Chapter 27 - Gank Up

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"I kinda feel bad for her now..." Natsumi said when they exited the Starbuck.

"Don't worry, she will develop amnesia soon" Y/N rolled his eyes.

They walked into park and suddenly a laser beam hit between them and they turned around.

Mana, Miku, Kaguya and Yuzuru came out from behind the trees with angry faces.

"Master, explain yourself!" Mana shouted while pointing gun at him.

"How many times I told you, darling" Miku spoke "I don't mind other girls, as long you invite me too"

"Cockblock mode activated. You can only do that with us" Yuzuru said with cold tone.

"Do I have to kick your asses all over again?" Y/N said.

"I want to see you try it!" Kaguya laughed "Now there is four of us, you won't be-"

"Who said he will be alone?" Natsumi smiled "Bring it on little girls!"

"What did you just call me?!" Mana shouted angry.

"Well, here we go again" Y/N sighed "I should have bought that BBG spray..."

Kaguya pulled out a lance, while Yuzuru pulled out chain with spike at the end attached to her arm..

"Question. Why you don't pull out weapon?" Yuzuru looked at him surprised.

"I don't need a weapon to kick your ungrateful ganking ass" Y/N smiled and started approaching twins "Natsumi, I'll handle the twins. Rest goes to you"

"Fine, just don't come crying for help later!" Natsumi smiled

Y/N ran towards twins and Yuzuru chain wrapped around him. He tried to break free, but chain quickly tighten up and he couldn't move his arms.

"Gotcha!" Kaguya jumped towards him with a lance and bright light erupted from Y/N "What the--"

"What the-"

Meanwhile Natsumi were dodging Mana energy sword with ease.

"Quit dodging you piece of sh*t!" Mana shouted while swinging her sword.

"How about you learn how to aim?" Natsumi laughed.

Mana suddenly smirked.

"Miku, now!" She shouted and Miku ran behind Natsumi.

Miku opened her mouth and suddenly Kaguya fell on her from the sky.

Natsumi took opportunity and swing her broom and Mana.

Mana dived under the broom and received half turn kick to face, that threw her off the balance.

"You're going pay for that!" Mana rolled away and pulled out laser riffle.

Natsumi dodged laser beam with smile and it hit Miku that was trying to stood up.

"Twins send their regards!" Kagua charged at Natsumi.

"Watch out!" Yuzuru shouted.

"Wha-" Kaguya looked surprised at Yuzuru and got dropkicked by Y/N.

"Did you forget about me?!" Y/N stood up and Yuzuru threw chain at him.

He let it wrap around his right hand and lightning spear appeared in his left hand.

"Sis!" Kaguya shouted and jumped between then.

Spear hit her right in the chest and she fell on the ground paralysed.

"How could you hit a gi--" Miku shouted and a candy flew into her mouth, gluing the tongue to the palate.

"Damit MIku!" Mana shouted at her "Why are you so useless in combat?!"

Miku tried to say something but couldn't let out a word, so she gave Mana a glare.

"So it's two vs two? You're going down like casuals!" Y/N insulted them with a smile.

"Yuzuru!" Mana shouted.

Yuzuru threw chain at Y/N and he again catched it.

"You never learn do y--"

Mana suddenly fired up rocket engine and flew at Y/N with full speed.

Y/N prepared to take the hit, but she suddenly turned off the engine and drifted behind him, aiming at Natsumi.

Natsumi tried to swing her broom at her, but Mana punched her in the stomach and followed up with a kick that launched her towards Y/N and their lips meet.

Bright light surrounded Natsumi and soon disappeared revealing.

"Ahhh, sh*t" Y/N took off his blouse to cover blushing Natsumi and heard sirens in distance "Here we go again"

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