Chapter 40 - High in the sky

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"Did you find her?" Kyouhei asked Shido, as he and three other girls entered.

"Yes and we know what is causing than" Shido answered.

"But do we know how to stop it...?" Kyouhei looked at the girls and Origami stepped foward.

"We need Shior... I meant Shido to seal her spirit powers" She pointed at Lorigami "Everything will return to normal one it's done"

"This should be easy..." Kyouhei pondered "...But there is a catch, is there?"

"There are two Origamis... I mean Origami in Lorigami..." Shido tried to explain.

"There is three of us from different timelines, inside Lorigami is another me from Shido's orginal timeline" Origami explained.

"So we need to make both of them fall for him..." Kyouhei sighed "...Alright people, let's get this show on the road!"

"Hey, I didn't agree to that yet!" Lorigami protested "And what is that L doing in my name by the way?"

"Probably because you have longer hair than me" Origami answered "And you better do that..."

"Fine..." Lorigami sighed "What I need to do?"

"You only need to deeper the bond with Shido" Kyouhei answered.

"Deeper the bond?!" Lorigami blushed "W-what do you mean by that?!"

"Don't get the wrong idea! It's only a date!" Shido tried to calm her down.

"D-d-date?!" Her face became red "I never been out with a male friend, let alone a date!"

"We can start as friends then! Nobody said that we need to go on a date right now, we can get to know each other first!"

"But you still want us to do thing like couple does!"

They started arguing, while everyone was looking at them.

"What is wrong with you?" Kyouhei looked at Origami.

"I wouldn't think of her as me, I'm from alternative timeline" Origami sighed "Any ideas how to speed the whole thing up?"

"I honestly don't know" Kyouhei also sighed.

Shido suddenly took a deep breath and his face became serious.

Lorigami looked confused at him, when he started approaching her.

"W-what are you doing?!" She started backing away till she hit the wall.

Shido slammed his hands on the wall, blocking escaping routes.

"Even if I wanted to date you afterwards, what is wrong with dreaming about dating a beautiful and intelligent girl like you?" Shido looked into her eyes.

"W-what are you talking about?" She looked away and started playing with her hair "I still haven't got a boyfriend or confession before..."

"Then let me be your first" He grabbed her hand.

Her face turned completly red and she was trying to process what is happening.

"Fine..." She mumbled finally giving up "...Let's go on date"

"Thank you Origami" Shido smiled and let go of her hand "Is tommorow okay with you?"

"N-no, not that soon" She shook her head "I need some time to prepare myself..."

"Fine, then lest exchange numbers" Shido pulled out his phone and Lorigami her.

"Bonus points for smooth operator" Origami commented.

"He's really from another timeline..." Kyouhei turned around "Alright everyone, you know the drill! And someone get them a taxi!"

After Shido and Lorigami exchanged numbers, they were sent on the ground where two taxi drivers were waiting for them.

"I'll see you soon Shido!" She waved to him with a smile.

"Good night Origami!" He waved back and both of them entered their taxis and drove in different directions.

"Both of you look great together" Driver complimented.

"You really think so?" She looked away and started playing with her hair.

"Yes, you really match each other..." Driver smiled and handed a small poster with picture of a festival "...There is small festival for couples tommorow, you really should go with him!"

"You really think so?" She took poster from him "But we have school tomorrow..."

"What are you talking about?" Driver looked surprised at her "Tommorow is Saturday!"

Rest of the road was spent in silence till they reached building with apartments and she thanked him.

The taxi drove away and she let out a sigh of relief.

"What a crazy day..." She looked at the poster in her hand "...Or maybe it was a good one?"

She shook her head to get those thoughs out of her head and walked inside building, and used elevator to get to floor her apartment was.

She entered her home and closed doors behind her, feeling dead tired.

She took off her school uniform, showing her white underwear and jumped on the bed without puting on pajamas.

"Tommorow is festival..." Her phone suddenly buzzed and she pulled it out from her school bag laying on the ground.

Sweet dreams! - Shido

She blushed and started panicking.

"What I should answer? Maybe I should simply answer that? But the festival is tommorow... I should ask him...! Wait... I told him that I won't go on a date with him tommorow! Damit, what should I do? Maybe I should write something charming? No... I need stay true to myself... Maybe something intelligent and romantic? Maybe a quote from Shekspir...? No way! He would though I'm some kind of maniac or narcissist! What should I do then? WHAT THE HELL SHOULD I WRITE HIM?!" She started slamming her head on wall.

"Jesus Christ woman, chill the f*ck out!" Her neighbor behind wall shouted.

"I'm truly sorry!" She bowed to wall.

"Just chill out and let me sleep!"

'Right, I should get some sleep! I have date tommorow!' She thought and tried to quickly lay on the bed.

However, instead of pillow her head hit corner of the bed and knocked herself out in process...

[The disturbance in cockblock force I felt, the small lemon is comming...]

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