Chapter 8 - Jolly revenge

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"Just... Who are you?" Girl pointed barrel at Y/N once she got up

"Y/N, Y/N L/N" He said "Tell me, how badly you want to kill her?"

"I would do anything, why you ask?" She looked at him suspicious.

"I know how to kill her for good" Y/N explained "So why you don't team up with me?"

"And why I should do that?"

"Because you won't do that yourself, and I'll give your sister address as bonus!" Y/N proposed.

"How do you know about my sister?!" She took steep back.

"Oh, I know a lot about you, Mana..." He took step foward.

"How about I took you to HQ and you will tell us everything?" She threaten him.

"You don't know...?" Y/N Said with mysterious tone.

"Don't know what?" She asked confused.

"You see, they abducted you and turned into super soldier at cost of your lifespan" Y/N said and laser beam flew near his head.

"Bullsh*t!" She said.

"Then why you don't remember anything before you become a wizard?" He pointed out.

"I... I..." She shuttered and pointed barrel on the ground "Is this... true?"

"Yes, it's true" Y/N pressed her against the wall and touched her cheek "But there's still hope for you, join me and you will have chance to reborn!"

"Bullsh*t" She put pistol to his head.

"Someone already tried to do that today, you know?" He said unfazed.

"And what happened?" She asked.

"They failed miserably"

"Fine" She holstered her pistol "But if try anything stupid..."

"Don't worry about it, I'm not that type of guy!" Y/N waved his hand "Now I need to make a call, wait here"

He walked around the corner and pulled out his cell phone.

"Your Majesty. It's me, Y/N"

"Ah Y/N! I was trying to call you earlier, but a girl picked up. Is the reason you're angry?"


"Yeah, whatever. So what do you want?"

"There is a girl that I need to find and kill..."

"Let me guess... You got.. FRIENDZONED?" King laughed

"Will all respect your Majesty, but you can friendzone Y/N. The Y/N friendzone YOU!"

"Is that a soviet russia joke?"

"Your Majesty, thot hunt need to begin..."

"Did you said... Thot?"

"Yes your Majesty, a big filthy thot has appeared"


"No your Majesty, this is personal! I need few things from you."

"Army of hollows? Legendary dragon? Or perhaps me-..."

"I need her location, one appearance change from Rosaria for my friend for later and..."



"You got it! Just text me the name and I'll find her in no time. And Y/N..."


"...Spare no thot!"

"It shall be done" Y/N hung up and wrote a message on his phone.

Few seconds later King texted back and he walked back to Mana.

"Everything set in place" He said with smile" Need to grab spare pants for fight?"

"Funny, I was about to say same thing..." She smirked.

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