Chapter 14 - Wolf and hood

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"That was unexpected" Y/N looked at ambulance that took Shiori to hospital.

"I didn't expected that you date your cousin..." Takasugi looked at him confused.

"Takasugi, there is two things I want to tell you" Y/N pressed her against the wall "First, she's not my cusin. Second, you will forget EVERYTHING you saw and heard. Understood?"

"Y-yeah..." She blushed.

"Good..." He let go of her but she suddenly grabbed him "What is it?"

"Can you walk me to my house?" She asked "Friend that always picked me up is sick and I'm too afraid to go alone..."

"Fine" Y/N sighed "When you finish working?"

"I'm ending my shift soon!" She answered with smile "I promise you won't regret this!"

Takasugi walked inside café, while Y/N sat on bench near.

'I wonder what I should do now?...'

"I'm ready" Takasugi came back few minutes later, wearing blue jeans and black hoodie "Origami told me that I can go earlier"

"How nice of her" Y/N stood up "Let's go"

They walked next to each other for ten minutes, before Takasugi put on hood and hugged his arm.

"What are you doing?" Y/N looked at her surprised.

"Please pretend that we're a couple, just for some time" She blushed.

They started walking again and soon they spotted bunch of punks waiting near house.

"Not good..." She started to tremble "We need to get away from here..."

"Fine, you can stay at-" Y/N sighed and one of punks shouted at them.

"HEY ASSHOLE" He walked to them with baseball bat "GET AWAY FROM MY B*TH!"

Takasugi began to tremble uncontrollably and hugged him even harder.

"Give me a second" Y/N detached her from his arm.

"Y/N, PLEASE DON'T" She begged him, but he ignored her.

"Any problems to my girl, punk?" Y/N said while aproaching him.

"Your girl?!" His face twisted in anger "Who the hell allowed to pick up my girl?!"

"Law of jungle b*th!" Y/N answered while closing the distance between them "You should have finished the tutorial first!"

"WHAT DID YOU SAID TO ME?!" Punk swing his bat at him.

Y/N catched the bat and head butted him in the face, breaking his nose and jaw.

"Alright!" Y/N spreaded out his arms and approached remaining punks "WHO WANTS TO F*CK WITH BIG BAD WOLF?!"

"Don't underestimate us!" One of them charged at him.

Y/N grabbed the motherf*cker by his leg and smashed another motherf*cker with him, while jaws of three other punks dropped.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT GUY?!" One of them panicked and tried to run away.

Y/N suddenly pulled out a brick from nearby wall and throwed at it in his direction.

Brick was suddenly cut in half and black-haired guy with katana appeared out of nowhere.

"I see you defeated most of my members" He pointed blade at Y/N "I consider you worthy to find me, now tell me your name!"

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"I see you defeated most of my members" He pointed blade at Y/N "I consider you worthy to find me, now tell me your name!"

"I will put it on your grave when I'm done with you!" Y/N pointed his finger on the ground "NOW GET OVER HERE!"

"I see you're just another arrogant idiot..." He smirked "Very well, I shall show you-"

Y/N sent him to the wall with a kick in stomach before he could finish.

"Welcome to Lothric Fight Club!" Y/N grabbed him by his throat "Now listen carefully punk. If I ever saw you near that girl, the police will search remains of you and your friends with a microscopes. Got it?"

"I will never walk near your girl" He blurted out "And neither any of my gang members will be"

"Good boy" Y/N dropped him "Now scram before I change my mind!"

"Please wait!" He shouted "I Arashi Ieshige, swear that one day I will defeat you fair and square!"

"Git Gud and then we can talk again" Y/N waved to him while walking away.

"I shall git gud then..." Arashi got up and walked away "Till we meet again wolf..."

"Soo..." He walked back to Takasugi "Do you like my acting skills?"

"Y-you're not in a gang?" She mumbled out while trembling.

"No I'm not, I'm just pretty good at diplomacy" He answered.

"Oh thank god..." She breathed a sigh of relief "My home is right there, let's go"

They walked into a home smaller than his. It had only four rooms, including kitchen and bathroom.

"Sorry for little mess" She brought him to her room.

Manga, empty pack on chips and some clothing was lying around in total mess

"I didn't expect any guests" She blushed a little "Do you want some tea?"

"Gladly" Y/N answered and sat down at small table in middle of room and looked around while she was away.

He noticed that most of the mangas were from romance genre and spot her school uniform on the bed.

She returned afer a while with two cups of tea.

"Here you go" She gave Y/N one "We ran out of sugar, sorry"

"No worries" He said and took a sip "Soo... Who were those guys?"

"They're local gang" She explained and sighed "That guy who approached first was my old childhood friend, he keeps on thinking that I love him"

"I doubt that he will do that again" Y/N took another sip.

"Yeah, maybe..." She looked at him "Y/N... Just who are you? Back flip from second floor on friday and now beating up whole gang like it was nothing. Most of people would die on first one"

"Most of people say I'm just too stubborn to die" He shrugged his arms.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it" She said and they drank tea in silence.

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked her when she started to blush.

"S-sorry, I'm not used to be home alone with guy" She mumbled "I don't have any cash or anything, I can only..."

"I don't need any payment" He interupted her "Treat this as small favor you don't need to repay"

"But if you weren't there for me, I-..." Takasugi stared but Y/N interupted her again.

"Just... Stop it, it's not big deal for me. You can pay back the favor one day" He looked in her eyes.

"Do you promise?..." She mumbled.

"Yes, I promise" Y/N got up "Now I have to go, see you on tommorow trip and stop reading those romance mangas"

"Why?" She asked him confused while walking with him to doors.

"Because you started getting stupid ideas from them" Y/N said and she turned red.

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