Chapter 6 - One troll too many

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The bell rang signalling begin of lunch break.

Soon after that, half of class female population moved to only alpha male, also known as Y/N, with their offering packed in boxes and surrounded him while inferior beta males were watching from side.

"Y/N do you mind eating with me?" A girl asked but was soon rammed by other girl

"No! He's eating with me!"

"Everyone calm down!" Y/N raised his voice and girls calmed down "I already have plans to eat with my cousin. So goodbye!"

"Huh?" Shiroi looked at him blushing "But I-..."

"Let's get out of here..." Y/N grabbed her hand and dragged her outside

"You didn't have to drag me you know..." She said while blushing when they reached the roof.

He blocked the door and looked at Shiroi that started moving legs and arms in weird manner.

"You're alright?" He looked at her concerned.

"Y-yeah" She said while trying to not look at him and opened her averange bento box.

"Okay..." He sat next to her and opened his bento box.

The bright light from bento blinded him, and after a while it disappeared revealing shirtless portrait of Y/N made with sushi.

"Excuse me, but what the hell is this?!" Y/N looked at red face of Shiori.

"W-w-well... I couldn't sleep, so I made this as welcome gift..." She mumbled embarrassed.

"Couldn't sleep and made naked portrait of me?" He smirked.

"It's not like that or anything..." She tried to explain.

"Okay..." Y/N grabbed chopsticks "I guess it's time to eat myself!"

He stabbed one of sushi pieces and ate it.

"You don't know how to use chopsticks, do you?" She sighed.

"Not a clue" Y/N stabbed another poor fish and ate it.

"H-here" She grabbed his hand and moved chopsticks to right position "Now you ne-"

Suddenly a loud explosion blasted off doors and Shiroi jumped away from Y/N.

"The hell?!" Y/N shouted suprised.

Silver-haired girl walked through smoke with calm face.

Silver-haired girl walked through smoke with calm face

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"Shiroi, are you okay?" Girl asked her.

"What the hell Origami" Shiroi scolded her.

"How rude" Origami said in cold tone "Is this how you thank people for trying to keep your safe?"


Origami started walking towards her, forcing her to move backwards till she reached the fence.

"Locked doors and lot of free time, isn't that suspicious?" Origami forced knee between her legs.

"No! It's not like that!" She started to blush.

"Oh?" She whispered in her ear and her hand started moving to her skirt "Maybe I should check just to be s-..."

Flash from Y/N cellphone interrupted her.

"Oh, don't mind me!" Y/N said while holding his phone. "Just keep going!"

"Y/N!" Shiroi begged "Help me damit!"

"For your information, Shiroi belong to me" Origami said giving him a cold glance.

"I'm not your property-!" Shiroi tried to resist but Origami put a finger on her lips.

"Shhhh... I know it's embarrassing to tell in public" She whispered.

"How about sharing her?" Y/N proposed.

"Share?" Origami walked towards him and wrapped arms around his neck and whispered to his ear "And why I would do that?"

"You see..." He grabbed her in tail "...I could teach you few tricks as dungeon master..."

"Oh? You're a DM too?"

They started dancing weird tango without breaking eye contact.

"Then tell me... How much sessions you already had?" She asked him.

"Two hundred seven" He answered.

"I see you're more experienced than me... Sure we can play together, my basement is always ready. Just take her with you"

"It will be done" He reassured her.

"The hell is going on?" Shiroi stared dumbfounded at them "I'll just run away while they are busy with each other..."

She quickly sneaked out to the stairs and disappeared.

Y/N and Origami stopped dancing and smiled widely.

"I see you're a troll as well..." Y/N said while looking at stairs.

"Yes, indeed..." She raised her hand "High five for our future cooperation?"

"High five!" He anwsered

A loud sound of cracking bones came from Origami arm and pain painted on her face once their hands meet.

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