1: A Royal Tantrum

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"Princess Bellatrix, please your highness, just calm down!" One of the maids tempt to coddle me.


Another one of my father's priceless, irreplaceable china pieces is hurled at the wall by yours truly. Whoops.

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!" One of the kitchen staff wails as she hides in the pantry.

My tantrums are feared all across the castle; I lose control and become violent and hard-headed when angered. Not that I would ever hurt anyone, well, not purposefully – Arthur the stable boy just happened to be standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. Clambering onto the kitchen worktops in a most unladylike manner, I kick more cutlery onto the floor as well as piles of food for tonight's feast, whilst more maids beg me to stop my raucous behaviour before my father comes. Not only is my father feared as he is King, he is also a bear of a man who struggles to fit through most doorways (we had to have ours specially altered), and towers over my five foot four height. Only my mother was able to tame him, and now that she has gone, he only has me - his spoilt, bratty daughter.

What the maids do not understand is that it is my father who I am waiting for. Of course, I would not be destroying our kitchen and ruining our food unless I had a very good reason to. My father has taken it upon himself to marry me off to some Prince so that I will be taken care of if he dies unexpectedly. As I am his only heir, and cannot become the sovereign ruler as I am female, the throne of Aswela will automatically fall to my only male cousin Tobias. He is under no obligation to care of me, so he could throw me out onto the streets once he is crowned King if he so much as wishes it.

It may sound like my father only wants what is best for me, which in a way I guess he does, but the problem is I absolutely refuse to get married. All men are pigs, and care about no one but themselves. I was not made to be some mans pet, a pretty face to help him in society. I can make it on my own, no matter what my father tries to force me into.

It is no secret that I am unruly and wild in nature – just as my mother was. I am also more stubborn then a mule according to my father. Therefore, you can understand that when my father announced this morning that he has put me in an arranged marriage to Prince Leven of Smodor, I was not best pleased. Infuriated in fact. How dare he tie me to a man who has the mental capabilities of a dog! I have only met my supposed betrothed once, but it was enough for me to realise that I would rather stick pins in my eyes then get within three feet of him ever again. My father said I will grow to love him, but in my mind, love is very rare and nearly ceases to exist.

My parents had true love, but now that my mother has died my father is a shell of his former self. I do not want anyone to hold that kind of power over me. I am better off alone. And I do not only feel this way because a few years ago (when I was naïve to the deception of love), I had my heart ripped out of my chest and torn beyond compare. I will be the first Princess (apart from mad Marnie) to remain single, I will make sure of it.

I have nearly completed my goal of refusing every eligible prince and lord in the land with my rowdy behaviour and wild nature. Prince Leven is the last on my father's list, and is almost as desperate to get married as my father is for me to. However, every Prince that has been thrust upon me to coerce me into courting him has been pushed or scared away, so what is one more?

"Oh she's crazy, absolutely crazy. He's going to kill her." One of the maids whimpers whilst trembling like a little mouse.

My father's gruff voice and loud, echoing footsteps suddenly come into range, causing a grin to form on my face. Finally! After disappearing this morning after his 'exciting' announcement, he is probably extra mad that I managed to hide from his guards all day and then slip in undetected. Well, the joke is on him – I have had hours to brainstorm all the ways I am going to make his and Prince Leven's lives miserable if they insist on this marriage. A man cannot make me any happier then I am now.

This marriage will not happen!

"Oh, the King's coming! He will be so angry!" One of the maids frightfully whimper.

"He's going to be so mad!" Another that looks to be on the verge of tears trembles.

"Maybe we should go... tidy the ballroom?" One of them squeals as my father's footsteps echo closer.

I kick a bowl of freshly prepared vegetables off the side, making the group of maids jump, squeal as if I had hit them in the face, and then flee out of the room as if their skirts are on fire. Pansies.

"Bellatrix Anais Marie Magnapolae!" My father yells as he takes in his destroyed kitchen. "Stop this ridiculousness right now! You are seventeen summers – nearly a full grown adult yet still you are acting like an incompetent child." He growls.

"Oh, this destruction is only going to be the beginning father if you enforce this marriage." I spit, starting on the rack of herbs and spices now.

"Bellatrix, can you not see that I am only trying to do what is best for you? I am not always going to be here to fund your diamonds and lace – your food even. People are already talking because a courtship has not been announced for you yet. Do you want people to think there is something wrong with you?"

"I do not care what people think of me father. I will never get married!" I hiss stubbornly, jerking the cooking rabbit off the stove for good measure.

"Then you will be out on the streets with no one to care for you! If you marry Prince Leven you will be looked after and your lifestyle maintained!"

"I would rather the streets then Prince Leven! In fact, maybe I will just leave now!"

"Bellatrix get back here." My father yells as I jump off the worktop and dart out of the kitchen, too quick for my father whose massive belly hinders his movements.

Hot tears burn at my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I will not marry Prince Leven, I will not. I was born alone to die alone. Nobody would really miss me if I went. My father perhaps, but I doubt he will be alive much longer considering his horrendous lifestyle consisting mostly of whiskey and meat since my mother died. My father has one younger sister with three children who I rarely get to see, and I have no friends in the castle. I am always causing trouble because of my temper, giving the maids extra work and insulting those who try to help. Everyone I have ever loved has left me, meaning I do not want to trust anymore. It is easier to close yourself up then allow yourself vulnerabilities.

I have one friend – Princess Ariana of Ushor, but I am lucky if I get to see her twice an annum. Up until I was ten summers, I had another close friend named Nicky who I had a childish crush on. We used to see each other a lot because our fathers were great friends, despite running different kingdoms. But then our fathers fell out under mysterious circumstances, and I have not seen him for nearly eight summers. It is weird to think that he would be a man now, and not the toothless boy I remember him to be. My father refuses to talk about what happened, and if Nicky or his father's name is mentioned, my own flies into a terrible mood.

My life may be lonely, but at least I do not have some cantankerous man who does not really care for me controlling it. Not yet anyway.

Hey guys I hope you liked the first chapter! What do you think of our main character, Bellatrix?

I have planned this book out, and it is going to be a short one with 12 chapters.

Maddie xoxo


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