12: Accepting Love

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"Father?" I call out anxiously, wondering what is wrong.

I found him outside sitting under a wooden canopy, watching the sunset. I take in the wonder at the horizon, spreading its largess into the grateful sky. Rich hues of red blend with oranges, purples, and crimsons. My spirit soars at the sight as I am transported into a timeless existence, ready for the protective blanket of night and new dreams. It is but the reflection of the dawn, the promise of the rising sun that comes after the velvety night has had its say and the land has rested once more.

"Bella dear, came and sit with me." He requests, patting the bench beside him.

"Is everything all right father?" I ask worriedly, shivering in the chilly breeze.

"Yes, I think it is." He murmurs in response, before turning to face me. "I want to apologise to you my dear for forcing all of those Princes and aristocrats on you. I could tell you were not happy – probably because of that fool Prince Briar, and I wanted to rectify it. I thought that in order for you to get over your heartbreak you needed to fall in love again, which is why I tried so hard to find you someone suitable. Of course, I do also want to see you married so I know you will be looked after when I am gone, but the primary reason was that I could not bare to see you look so sad and lost. I thought I was doing what you needed, but now I see I just made it worse. With Leven, I just was so fed up of your constant rejections I thought I would just pick someone with a title and hope for the best. Obviously, this was a foolish decision on my part. I have learnt that you cannot be tamed through force." He sighs regretfully.

"Father, please do not blame yourself. It is me who needs to apologise – I was so awful on so many occasions and just so rude." I shake my head, embarrassed by my past actions.

"I think we both could have handled the situation better. I just had no idea what to do, I tried to think about what your mother would have done, but I drew a blank. She was an incredible woman. I wish she were still here with us."

"I know daddy... I miss her too." I sigh, squeezing his hand as we share the grief of the loss of the most wonderful person.

"You know, she would be so proud of you Bellatrix and the woman you have become." My father tenderly reveals, burying his emotions with a shaky sigh.

"Do you think so daddy?" I ask, becoming emotional.

"I know so dear." He insists whilst pulling me in for a warming hug. "So, you and Nikolaos, eh? I did not see that one coming." He chuckles.

"Nor did I." I giggle, my cheeks turning as pink as the willowy clouds above as we let go of each other. "I was so sure that I never wanted to get married, but now I cannot imagine a life without him. I just do not want to be seen as a doll father, an object to be admired. I want to make changes and help the world."

"And that's why you will make such an amazing Queen darling. You were born for the role just like your mother." My father announces tearfully. "I would suggest just talk to him and work things out, that's how a marriage will really work. You know, if you want to marry Nikolaos, I have no qualms; it is your decision dear, and frankly, I am quite impressed that he managed to melt your icy heart. He must be special if he has changed you so much for the better in such little time."

"Oh he is daddy. If it were not for him I really would have ended up as a spinster." I giggle.

"I have no doubt sweetie; you're as stubborn as your mother." He chuckles wholeheartedly, wiping his tears. "I just knew when he asked to speak to me that he would ask for your hand. He was none too pleased about the situation with Leven mind you, but I told him I would sort it out and of course I agreed if you want to."

"Thank you father." I sigh, excitement simmering through me as I imagine my future with Nicky.

"You should go find him sweetie, I am sure he wants to discuss your engagement." My father sniffs as he stands up, taking my hand and pulling me with him.

"I love you Bellatrix, and I am glad you are happy." He whispers.

"I love you too daddy. Thank you for everything." I murmur into his chest as he gives me a large hug.

We have not been so affectionate with each other since I was a child! With one last smile, I turn and make my way through the pristine fluffy snow to my beloved.

I find him anxiously waiting by the entrance back into the ballroom, looking so endearing with a sweet nervous look on his face. When he notices me trudging through the snow, a blissful smile blooms onto his face and he rushes out to meet me, helping me into the warmth.

"You never cease to amaze me Trixie... every time I look at you; you seem to become more beautiful." He sighs, wrapping his arms around me.

"Thank you Nicky." I reply with pink cheeks.

I start to walk through the wide open doors, laughter and the tinkling music welcoming me in, when Nicky grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Are you ok?" I ask, turning and realising we are standing so close that our chests are almost touching.

"Well, I guess I should do it properly this time." He explains before falling onto one knee and taking my left hand in his, making me gasp. "Princess Bellatrix Anais Marie Magnapolae, I love you with all my heart, and I am hoping you love me too, and will make me the happiest man in the world. Will you marry me?" He asks, his eyes holding the tenderest expression known to man.

"Oh Nicky... I love you too; of course I will marry you." I sniffle, feeling so happy.

"Oh thank you Trixie, I promise you won't regret it!" He exclaims, standing up and hauling me into his arms, spinning me around like he did when we were children, but this time showering my face with kisses.

"Oh, and I almost forgot..." He murmurs as he places me back onto my feet.

I am so caught up in the feeling of euphoria I cannot stop smiling, not bothering to conceal my tears of happiness.

"This is the Drembleton's engagement ring; it has been in my family for years. My mother had it, my grandmother before her and so on." He explains as he pulls a red velvet box from his jacket, opening it up to show a beautiful golden ring with a large pearl in the middle and a cluster of diamonds surrounding it.

"Oh Nicky, it's beautiful." I gasp as he slips it on to my finger and wipes my tears away. "But, I have to let you know I am not ready to become a wife just yet, would you wait a while for me?" I ask anxiously.

"My love, I would wait for twenty years if I had to." Nicky reveals.

"Thank you." I smile, reaching up to kiss him as my heart swells with love for this man.

Is it possible to explode from happiness? Because I feel like I might do.

"And one more thing, I want to have a role and a voice as your Queen. I cannot simply sit in the background as a child bearer and pretty face." I announce as I pull back from his addictive lips.

"Of course my love, I wouldn't expect anything less from you."

"Thank you Nicky, you have given me everything I have secretly yearned for." I reveal, sighing blissfully.

"I know my love, because you have given me the same." Nicky whispers before pulling me closer once again, connecting our lips giving me a taste of our heavenly destiny.

And what a wonderful future it turns out to be.

Hi guys thank you so much for reading this book! I finished it in record time (like three weeks) because I loved it so much! Keep an eye out for the epilogue. Ariana's story is now completed on my profile called The Princess and the Royal Guard! xoxo


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