6: Memories in the Snowy Woods

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Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Ugh, who is that?" I mumble to myself, lazily rising from the mire of dysfunction.

A deep tiredness claws at my mind, as I wearily sit up and try to awaken fully. What time is it? My eyes flutter open, and I am surprised to see that the sun is only just rising, and I am cast in crimson, bathed in a rosy glow. I move my fingers through the air that glows brighter with each passing moment, wondering who on earth decided it would be a good idea to wake me up so early. The knock returns again, slightly louder this time, causing me to grumble and stumble out of bed. I peep behind the thick drapes, momentarily amazed by the sky that is equal parts of blue and a chorus of greys, streaked with silvers and gold's. Again someone knocks at my door, and mixed with the grogginess of being pulled from my wondrous sleep, it is safe to say I am feeling quite maddened. If it is one of my maids, I swear they will never work in my kingdom again!

"What!" I snap as I unlock the door and yank it open. "Oh, Nicky..." All colour drains from my face as I realise just who is visiting me this morning.

Suddenly I am rather self-conscious about being in my thin nightdress with probably wild hair. He looks undeniably fresh faced and handsome with his hair tussled messily, and he is so large he almost takes up the whole doorframe!

"Oh morning Trixie... sorry to disturb you, it is just I have a full, busy day today and I wanted to spend some time with you. Would you like to do something now?" Nicky asks with a hot blush on his cheeks, earnestly keeping his eyes on my face.

"Oh, ok... erm, well I guess – what do you want to do this early in the morning?" I question.

"Well, I was wondering if you would like to take a ride up the mountains with me to Kings Peak – just like we used to do as children. Do you remember how we used to have snowball fights and sledge down the hill?" He asks with a grin.

"Well, yes, but Nicky I have not done that in simply years!" I exclaim, feeling slightly horrified.

"Go on Trixie, for old time's sake. Unless you are too scared to? I seem to remember me being the reigning champion as children." He teased.

"I think not! I was just as good as you and won many times." I retaliate.

"That's not the way I remember it, but if you are so sure, why don't you prove yourself today?" Nicky challenges.

"You know what? Fine. But do not start crying when I win." I announce, smirking.

"Challenge on Princess."

"Just give me ten minutes to dress quickly." I ask before shutting the door.

I know spending time with Nicky is dangerous, but he has challenged my pride and I am determined to prove my worth to him. I do wonder for a second if he remembers my strong pride and stubbornness from when we were children, and purposefully teased me to coerce me into spending time with him, but I quickly dismiss the thought. Hurriedly I pull a simple yellow frock with little red flowers stitched into the bodice on, not bothering to take my nightdress off underneath. I then pull on a pair of brown winter boots with the softest fleecy fur inside, and spin my unruly hair into an atrocious bun. It is safe to say I do not look especially radiant or beautiful today, but I doubt anyone is up yet and it is only Nicky who will see me in my rarest form. I do not care what he thinks of me - he is just a friend. Just as I am rushing out the door, I pull a long red cloak around me to keep me warm, and pull some leather gloves on over my clipped fingernails.

Nicky is also appropriately wrapped up for the journey, and reveals we will be travelling up the slopes by horseback. Only a few maids are up around the castle, and I catch a few staring at us walking together in shock, but they quickly resume their chores. I have no doubt that they will be gossiping about us later. The air is chilly yet fresh this morning, and I am once again amazed by the beauty of the landscape. Kustrington is certainly very rugged, and boasts mountains across all of its terrain. This morning the peaks are kissed to their heady blush by the sun, bathing in a tangerine colour and absolutely exquisite to the eye. It is a view I will never get tired of seeing.

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