5: A Meal and a Stroll

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I still cannot believe that the little boy I used to make daisy chains with has grown into such a warrior of a man. I can hardly take my eyes off him. He is so nice and so down to earth, unlike any other King or Prince I have met. He laughs and jokes with the help, treats all as if they are on equal standing with him, and is always smiling. It is quite astonishing and slightly unnerving.

My father and I are currently dining with the almost King, along with twelve other guests. The Kustrinese certainly do not value table manners as much as we do in Aswela, and a maid does not even serve the food onto one's plate! Apparently, you have to choose what you want and serve it yourself. However, the food is of good quality and tastes wonderful, and Nicky's friend to the left of him boasts to the table that Nicky caught the deer himself. They are very big on hunting in Kustrington.

For dinner, I am wearing a beautiful silken baby blue ball gown with silver snowflakes embroided into the skirts. A dainty silver tiara sits on top of my pinned black locks, and my dress maid smeared some red lipstick onto my plump lips. Nicky could hardly keep his eyes off me when I first entered into the hall, and every so often, our eyes align as we take secret glimpses of each other. Even though his friends surround him, I can tell that Nicky feels alone. He is obviously saddened by the loss of his only parent. As a single child, he truly has no family now, and I feel sorry for him - although he does seem to be well loved in his castle. I suppose soon he will find a wife and have a family of his own. That thought is certainly... odd to think about.

"Princess Bellatrix, are you enjoying your meal?" Nicky suddenly asks me.

"Yes thank you, it is delightful." I reply politely.

"I say, would you join me for a walk in the gardens once you have finished your meal?" He requests.

Of course, I would have said no. Spending time alone with Nicky is not exactly the definition of staying away from him. However, everyone on the table seems to be listening in on our conversation, meaning it would be extra rude for me to reject their almost King. I am only a guest in this Kingdom after all.

"Of course your highness." I respond, wondering what I have done to be plagued with his company.

I will not enjoy it.

For some reason I feel nervous about our rendezvous... it is probably because deep down inside I do care a little about what Nicky thinks of me. Only because we used to be such close friends though. I want him to think I grew elegantly. My father (who is sat next to me on the opposite end of the table to Nicky) harshly whispers for me to behave once I cannot eat anymore, and have to face the concept of willingly spending time with a man alone. Nicky's guests around the table all leave one by one, which I find very shocking, considering in Aswela it is custom that all guests may only leave after the King.

"Are you ready my lady? I thought we could get to know each other a little better." Nicky asks after wiping his mouth with his golden handkerchief.

"Of course, that sounds lovely." I reply, although my tone sounds flat.

I take Nicky's elbow, and with one last helpless look to my smirking father, we take off out of the dining room.

"I have requested for Mrs Winchcombe to get you a shawl considering it is a little chilly outside." Nicky chuckles good-naturedly.

A little cold? It is sure to be astonishingly freezing!

There is indeed a shawl hanging on a bronze hook by the grand entrance, and I cannot help but blush as he takes it upon himself to wrap it around me. Outside it is still gently snowing and the snowflakes land like cold kisses on my cheeks. The paths have obviously recently been swept, as they are not too consumed by snow as we walk.

"So, how have you been then?" Nicky asks after a moment of silence.

Does he have to be so charismatic?

"Fine and you?"

"Well, I have been better, but I am doing ok." He sighs.

"Well, how're things in Aswela?" He asks after I do not try to strike up conversation.

"Yes, everything is fine." I hum. "Unfortunately my dog Madame Marie passed away a few summers ago though." I hastily add when I see how confused and a little sad he looks that I am not trying to engage in conversation with him.

"I am awfully sorry to hear that Trixie. I know how much you loved her." Nicky consoles as we come to a stop by a weeping willow tree, covered in a thick layer of pristine snow, glowing in the feint amber torch light on the wall behind us.

Nicky then proceeds to lay a blanket down, and I reluctantly sit next to him when he coaxes me to. He carries on asking me intrusive questions, probably wondering why I refuse to open up to him. Even though I am very stiff and closed off with him though, he continues to act very gentlemanly, and never once pushes me into talking. Why is he so nice? We are so dissimilar; he is like a bright ray of sunshine whilst I am the lonely moon.

Eventually I get too cold to continue siting outside, and Nicky courteously leads me back to my bedroom. On the way, I cannot help but be entranced by the pearl-like moon hanging out of the heavens. One of my dreams is to walk on the moon, and touch a star, but for that to happen man would of course have to learn how to fly.

"The heavens are beautiful aren't they? I remember even as a child you used to be fascinated with them." Nicky commented.

"Oh, yes, well it is just they are so beautiful." I reply simply.

"You are beautiful too." I think my heart stops beating. "I am sure you have had many suitors. Are you engaged yet?" Nicky asks as we turn the corner and a marching guard salutes to his King.

Nicky thinks I am beautiful?

"Oh, well my father is trying to force me to marry, but I have no such desire." I reveal, stammering slightly.

"Maybe you just haven't met the right man yet. I have been looking for a Queen too, but I have had no such luck."

"Maybe you just haven't met the right woman yet." I tease, causing him to laugh heartily.

"Truer words have never been spoken." He chuckles amusedly.

For a minute, I find myself lost in Nicky's soft blue eyes, as we stare at each other openly. There is definitely a pull between us, which is worrying. I cannot help but think about what it would be like if I was his Queen... but of course, that is ridiculous. I am certainly not getting married anytime soon! I will remain single forever, and no one will ruin that for me. Not even Mr Perfect currently staring at me as if I am the most precious thing in his universe. Still, becoming friends will not hurt. He has not given me a reason not to trust him yet.

Therefore, with this thought I smile at him and continue walking to the castle, where a guard with a glowing orange torch awaits for us.

"After you my Princess." Nicky says as he holds the door open for me.

"Thank you." I blush at his chivalry.

"Have a good rest now, I will see you tomorrow?"

"Of course. I would like that." I nod in confirmation.

Nicky then proceeds to take my hand and lay a chaste kiss upon it, causing sparks to erupt where our skin meets, and making me flush uncontrollably.

Friends, we are just friends.

I hope you like this chapter guys!! xoxo


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