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It has been seven years since I accepted Nicky's hand in marriage. We have now been married for six years, and I have been appointed as Queen of Kustrington. After his coronation, I decided to go back to Aswela with my father for a while, to try to rectify the situation there and get my affairs in order. I also wanted to have some time apart from him to see if he was really what I wanted. I actually missed Nicky dreadfully during this time, and the sweet love letters he always found time to write to me convinced me that he is the one and only man I could ever be with. There was not a moment in the day that I did not yearn for him, so I realised that I was just delaying the inevitable by staying away, and returned five months later intent on marrying him. Three months after that we had a beautiful ceremony and ball in honour of our marriage, tying ourselves to each other for the rest of our lives.

Sadly, two years after we got married my father passed away. He came to visit us a week before his demise, and it was on the journey home that he fell ill. I was inconsolable for weeks after, thinking it was partly my fault, and if I did not have Nicky, I do not know how I would have regained the strength to carry on. During my father's last years we worked hard to make Aswela a better and fairer place to live, getting rid of the selfish lords of the land who were only interested in money, and choosing those who wanted to make good changes to oversee the districts. There are now an abundance of schools, doctors and money for each part of Aswela, meaning they are thriving under the changes. My father and I drew very close as we worked together, (although I could only help in my spare time) meaning it was harder to let him go. Aswela mourned his passing, as he was a virtuous, fair King – his last years being his best, but now my cousin Tobias and his wife Esmeralda are the King and Queen, continuing with the changes and cleansing my father and I put in place.

In Kustrington Nicky stuck to his word and I am an active part in the decision-making and politics, much to the surprise of many of the men around the world. Nicky always consults with me when he is vexed, and it warms my heart and makes me fall deeper in love with him when he shows how much he cares for me and wants my opinion. Of course, sometimes my stubbornness and his overriding power have butted heads, and we have had our own fair share of arguments over the years, but overall we are very happy together.

Currently we have two precious children, a daughter named Princess Calypso who is four and a son named Prince Hero who is two. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was not too happy, as I did not want children so soon, and I did not believe I could make a good mother. However, when I gave birth and held my precious little girl in my arms for the first time, I was filled with complete adoration and love, and knew I would do anything to keep her safe and happy. One thing that Nicky and I do argue upon is about changing the law so that our daughter can become Queen of Aswela, as she is the first-born, and at only four years old, she is very mature and intelligent (much like her mother). Nicky's argument is that we would be setting her up for failure, as people would not take a woman as a leader seriously, seeing her husband as the highest power, and it would make Kustrington seem weak. We have had many arguments (or debates as he prefers to call them) about the subject, but have agreed to put it to bed for the time being.

Even though we may argue, nothing in heaven or earth could keep me mad at Nicky for too long. I simply love him too much, and I now understand why my father was the way he was when my mother died. If anything ever happened to Nicky, I would simply die too. With his help I have become happy – truly happy and a much nicer person. We often take tours around Kustrington to see the people, and I even have friends in some of the villages, even though I am the Queen and they are my subjects.

Today is our sixth wedding anniversary, and after exchanging gifts and eating with the children, Nicky has taken me up to King's Peak alone to the tree where we promised to marry each other when we were just little children. I do not care to count how long it has been; I know I am getting older. Still, our first sign of commitment and love for each other is there, and will be forever more. It is endless, just like our love.

"My love." Nicky addresses me, knocking me out of my thoughts.

Even though it has been a good few years, and he is nearly touching his thirtieth summer, time has been kind to Nicky and he looks just as good as the day I married him. I am so very lucky.

"Yes darling?" I ask, turning to face him with my back to our tree.

"Thank you for everything." He begins, stepping forward to take my hands in his. "Thank you for loving me, for marrying me, and for gifting me two wonderful children. Your love is my salvation, and I would be nowhere if you were not by my side. Space and time have no meaning for my love, for it is boundless, eternal. You have often asked me why I love you, and it is because as beautiful as you are on the outside you also have a beauty deep with in you, a love for others and want to be better and do what is right. You are perfect for me, and without you, I would be nothing. So thank you my love for six magnificent years together - I hope we have fifty more." Nicky says tenderly, causing tears to cloud my eyes.

"Nicky, that is so sweet of you... but you know, it is I who should be thanking you. If I did not meet you and love did not ignite between us, I would be alone and depressed right now or forced into a marriage I do not want, as well as being a mean and selfish person. You have made me better and healed my wounds with your love, and nothing could ever drive me away from you. I love you eternally." I reply, before Nicky swoops down and claims my lips as his own, an action as normal as breathing at this point.

A little while later we part with ragged breath, a cheeky grin highlighting Nicky's features as he starts to talk again.

"You know, there is one more thing I want for our anniversary that you haven't given me yet..." He begins.

"Oh really, and what might that be?" I ask, raising my eyebrows questionably, knowing his tone implies he is going to say something outrageous.

"Hmm, I was thinking another baby." He reveals with a naughty grin.

Gasping in mock horror, I reply: "Hmm, we'll see about that you naughty man!"

With a giggle, I pull out of his comforting embrace, hitching my skirts up and creating an impromptu game of cat and mouse, in which secretly I love to be caught.

"You better run my love, because when I catch you there will be no getting away!" Nicky chuckles as he starts to chase after me, although his heavy boots mean I have the advantage as he sinks further into the thick snow.

And this is the end of the beginning of our story, in a world that only matters if I have Nicky and our darling children by my side.

This is it! Thank you so much guys, please check out my profile for my other books!! Love you all xoxo


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