4: A Handsome Ghost From the Past

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"Sorry my lady." The handsome stranger apologises as he steadies me on my feet and releases me from his hold – instantly making me feel peculiarly cold.

The anger previously possessing me has vanished from my system, and I feel oddly speechless as I gaze upon the man. He is tall – perhaps as tall as my father, standing a good head and shoulders above me and as wide as two of me lined up is. However, he is not obese, no. Hard, rippling muscles strain against his shirt leading up to the kind of face that would stop any female in her tracks. His features are almost perfectly symmetrical apart from a small bump in the bridge of his nose, although sharp and defined as if they were moulded from granite. His eyes are a mesmerising deep ocean blue, with flecks of silvery light dancing in his orbs, which is so beautiful I find myself wanting to drown in them. His golden hair is thick and lustrous and his lips are perfectly ripe for kissing. A masculine beard forms around his sharp jaw line, giving him a rugged look, which is even more appealing. A deep shade of red flushes my cheeks as I realise how inappropriate my thoughts are. I have not even ever looked twice at a man before!

"My lady?" The man prods with a slight grin, causing me to jump from my thoughts.

"Erm sorry, what?" I ask, instantly cringing as the undignified words rush from my mouth.

What is wrong with me?

"I was just enquiring as to what your name is." He asks respectfully.

"Oh, I do apologise, I am Princess Bellatrix from the Kingdom of Aswela." I explain, begging the blush to escape from my cheeks and my pounding heartbeat to calm.

"Trixie?" The man gasps, causing me to freeze yet again.

Only one person has ever gained permission to call me Trixie.

"Nicky?" I question in a whisper, wondering whether this man really is the boy I was friends with all those years ago.

"You've grown up to be so beautiful..." I swear I hear him mumble under his breath, as his eyes trail down my form.

The blush reignites on my cheeks. He really should not be affecting me so much. The voice in my head cautioning me to check my appearance annoys me. Why should I want to look beautiful in his opinion? I already know I am, I do not need any man to confirm that fact! Not even Nicky!

"Well it is lovely to make your acquaintance again Prince Nikolaos." I announce as I drop into a curtsey. Now that I have seen him, I am wondering whether I can go home before the ceremony. His smile and kind nature pulls at something in my chest, making me feel increasingly vulnerable.

"Oh Trixie, you do not need to curtsy to me! We are old friends."

"That is very kind of you sir." I announce awkwardly. "Also... I just want to say how sorry I am for the loss of your father."

"Thank you Trixie. It is tough but we knew the end was coming for a long time. I am trying not to think about it in all honesty." Nicky says hastily. "It is wonderful to see you again though. I was most pleased to hear your father accepted my invitation. I am sorry it has been such a long time since we were last in each others company."

Goodness, could this man be any sweeter?

"It is not my fault or yours. It is just the way life worked out sir." I tell him, careful not to look him in the eyes.

Although he seems sweet, I must not let my guard down around him. I am sure that under the sugary sweet layer of goodness he is just as rotten as the rest of his gender. He is too appealing to the eye, almost mesmerizingly so, which could have disastrous consequences for my heart. I will not give it up again.

"Please Trixie; call me Nicky, not sir. I understand it may take you a while to trust me again, but understand that I will never purposefully hurt you."

My stupid heart thumps in response.

"Say, how would you – and your father of course, like to dine with me at my table tonight?" He asks with a heart-melting smile, displaying his straight white teeth.

Why is everything about him so perfect?

"If that is what you wish... Nicky." I say uneasily. Calling him by his old nickname aloud seems too personal.

"Of course. Shall I show you to the dining hall for breakfast my lady; I believe your father is already there." He asks politely as he holds out an arm for me.

I do not have the heart to say no.

The flawless little boy I had a crush on has grown to be an even sweeter man. It is lucky I have outgrown the ability to experience such silly childish feelings like love; otherwise, I could be at the risk of falling for him.

 I hope you like this chapter guys! Let me know your opinions.



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