this boy really is something else

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Lexi Kapanen

I woke up around 10.30am and just looked at my social medias. I had few text messages from groupchat I had with my brother and some of our friends.

The Mans group (and Lexibae)

Lexi heard about Lucas, what a jerk hmu if I go and beat him up

Text me if you need me and I'll be on the first flight to D.C

Wait what happened with them?
And whatever it is I'm with ya Kap^

They broke up I would guess?

He cheated on her, with that Kendall bitch

I can't believe some would do that to her friend..

I'm going to kill him




Guys, stop it. We broke up, and I'm fine.

And thanks bro, but there's no need

Rantsunen (that's a Finnish nickname he is Rantanen)
No you are not, Lexy

We know you better than to believe that.

After I was done fightning with them and told them I really was okay, I went to take a shower. Then I did my makeup.

Then Jack texted me. And I smiled.

Hey, It's Jack. Wanna hang out with us today?

Hey Hughesy, I would like that. Is it okay if one of my friend comes too?

Nope, see you at our hotel in 30?

After that I replied a simple yes before changing my outfit to light blue jeans and white top. I let my hair be and left the apartment.

I waited the boys at the lobby. Suddenly I got hugged from behind by a pair of strong arms. At first I'm kind of shocked but then I hear a familiar voice "Hey Lexii" Jack says and turns me around. "Hey Hughesy"I say now wrapping my arms around him. We let go and I hug the other guys. "Okay I told my friend Hailey that we would grab something to eat at Starbucks and then meet her after that." I say when we squeeze into my car. I drive, Jack sits in the front seat and rest of them in the back.

We got to the Starbucks in 15 minutes and we all got out of the car. We all get our coffees and snacks and are back out.  It's little colder weather than I thought so I'm  a little cold. So when Josh suggests that we go sightseeing I answer "only if we go by car, there is cold out there" "don't you have a hoodie or jacket?" Quinn asks. "It seemed that here would be a lot warmer." I say embarrased. And I see Quinn facepalming at me "You can take my hoodie, I have my jacket in your car." Jack says already taking his hoodie of. "Are you sure?" "Yes I am" "okay, but instead of sightseeing I have a better idea" I say when I pull his warm hoodie over my head. It smelled so good. This boy is something else I swear. I can already tell it. "And what is that?" Alex asks. "Let's go to a nearby carnival, it's super cool and at night they shoot some fireworks." I say smiling. I make eyecontact with Jack and he smiles before speaking "that sounds great" I continue smiling when others agree too. Okay, let me call Hailey real quick to tell her where to go. I'll be back" I say getting away from them to call Hailey.

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