missed me?

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Jack Hughes

We walk into the restaurant and Kasperi asks the waitress our table.

She smiles, obliviosly knowing us and leads us to our table. And let me tell you the table is huge! I kindly move the chair for Lexi to sit and everyone else takes seats too. Kasperi sats on the other side of Lexi and Quinn and Hailey on my other side. Rest of them sit on the other side of the table.

We chat a bit before we get our menus. "Good evening everyone, I am Katie and I'll be your waitress tonight, here are your menus, while you decide what to eat could I get you anything to drink?" She smiles and everyone starts to list their drinks to the waitress.

After a moment she comes back with our drinks and takes our orders. "So Hughes, tell us something we don't know about you" Teuvo asks staring at me

Talk about being protective over someone..

"Well I don't know what do you wanna know?" I ask spreading my hands. "Well where did you born? Or why did you decide to play hockey and not I don't know basketball?" He asks obviliosly challenging me. Lexi takes my hand under the table and gives it a reassuring squeeze.

He only does it because he cares about Lexi too. And she has been hurt before...

"Well I was born in Orlando, Florida and well my parents met through hockey and well all of us me, Quinn and Luke enjoyed it and yeah. It's always been hockey. Nothing else." I say smiling and Quinn smiles at me too. Matthews and Rantanen seems impressed and they smirk at me.

"Well Quinn, did you born in Orlando too and are you treating our other sister well?" Connor turns to Quinn and he chuckles.

Damn, how is he always so calm? Even when he is surrounded by some awesome nhl players who are intrested on hearing about your life?

"Ofcourse I am treating Hailey well. I am really into her and can't wait to grow old with her." Quinn blushes and I hear very cute 'awww' from Lexi. "And yes I was too, born in Orlando."

The waitress comes with another waitress bringing our food and when I turn to thsnk her my words gets stuck in my throat.

She is my ex-girlfriend.

"Omg, Jack! I haven't seen you in ages!  How are you? I missed you" she fkirts and I just try to find the words to say. All eyes are on me and I turn to look at Quinn for help. "Actually he is here with his girlfriend and friends and we would love to eat our food before it gets cold thank you" Quinn says without any emotion and she looks at me, clearly pissed and then says very sarcastically "oh, yeah I'm sorry, have fun and I hope it tastes good" and with that she leaves. I take a deep breath and turn back to the table.

"Soo, that was my ex. I didn't know she even lived here" I say and Quinn continues. "Yeah, well I guess she couldn't stand the idea of living in the same city as you after you broke up" he chuckles and I turn to look at Lexi, she is looking at her food and I squeeze her thigh. "Hey, don't worry, I'm only into one girl and she is sitting right next to me" I say and she turns to me, smiling.

"Well my flight is leaving tonight, and I had really good time and I really missed you Lexi, when are you coming to Colorado?" Mikko says and starts to stand up. "As soon as I can, and I'll be there in your jersey" Lexi says getting up and hugging him.

We all say goodbyes to him and then it's time to order dessert. "Baby I'll go to the bathroom, order something good to me okay?" I say kissikg Lexi's cheek and standing up. She smiles and nods.

After going to the bathroom I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"Hey baby, missed me?"


I am sorry if these chapters are slowly updated but you need to know that I have very long schooldays and I'm super tires when I come home.

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