just a bruised jawline

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Lexi Kapanen

I watch as Jack gives Kaapo a really hard hit and he immediately gets penalty.

And now there is a fight going on. Great. Alex promised he would talk to Jack so that this wouldn't happen. Kaapo is my friend and I can't watch him getting hit because Jack is jealous over nothing. I mean there is nothing to be jealous of, I love him but he thinks there is something to be jealous about.

Kaapo gets up and goes to the players bench at the same time Jack and Trevor gets to the penaltybox. Jack must have seen where I sit because he turns around to face me. I just shake my head and he turns around looking down.

But I am definetly sure I saw him smile a little when he noticed my outfit. I am wearing his Team USA hoodie and black jeans.

I look at the Finland's bench and see Kaapo placing icebag into his jawline, since Jack's stick found it's place at Kaapo's face. I feel bad for him, he has done nothing and gets hurt because of me.

The game ends with Finland winning. Okay now it's go time. I wait the boys at their hotel lounge.

Alex Turcotte🐢

We are on the way to the hotel, we'll be there in 10'


Okay, I'll wait you guys at the lounge

Few moments later I see a group of guys walk in with the sticks and bags. "LEXII" Quinn yells and gives me a hug. As does everyone else, except Jack. "What are you doing here" Alex asks, as planned. "Actually I wanted to ask if I could talk to Jack, alone" Jack turns to me suprised. "Um, yeah sure"

We go to the roof, since it has nice view and there isn't any other people.

"Jack why did you give Kaapo that hit? You know that we have nothing between us with him! That was so stupid of you! I feel bad seeing someone getting hurt, especially if it is because of me." I say looking down.

"I'n sorry Lexi, it's just that... I am very jealous person and Blake again just feed me punch of lies that I now know isn't true. I'm sorry I yelled at you like that the other day and I'm sorry that I believed Blake...

And I'm sorry I hurted Kaapo, is he okay?" I turn back to face him, smiling slightly. "Yeah, just a bruised jawline." "Look, I know what I did was a dick move, but could you forgive me?" He asks. His blue eyes and smile is going to be the death of me. "Mmmh Maybe" I say smiling and put my hands around his neck. "well in that case, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He says putting his hands around my waist. I wait for a second and pretend to think. "Of course, I love you Jack Hughes" "I love you too Lexi Kapanen"

I love you || Jack HughesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora