we are always ready if it's about food

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Lexi Kapanen

Well. I have a huge hangover. And before people judge my brother for buying us drinks it's because in Finnish the legal age is 18.

Okay okay we are seventeen at the moment but we had many guys taking care of us.

I smile a little as I notice Jack sleeping behind me, few hickeys on his neck.

We didn't do anything but, damn we had a good makeout session.

I slowly got up so I can take few painkillers and drink propably a gallon of water. But I almost instantly trip on someone. "Kasperi what the fuck, why are you sleeping on my floor?" I ask waking him and Jack up with my yelling. "Ouch, don't talk so loudly. I didn't have anything else to sleep on." He mumbles snuggling into my blanket I threw on the floor last night. "Whatever" I say getting up so I can get the fricking painkillers. I walk to the kitchen.

I take the painkillers and drink some water. I take a deep breath and then I feel familiar arms around me. "Maybe  you could give me few painkillers too" he mumbles with his raspy voice. "Well you can start with one" I say grabbing the package. "No I meant other painkillers" he says turning me to face him. He grabs my chin and gives me a sweet kisses. I smile at his sweetness. "We don't have anything to eat for breakfast. So I think we should all go out and eat there. I'm in no mood to cook for 13 of us." "Wow you make it sound like there is lot of us" Jack chuckles and I give him another kiss.

"Actually, I think there is only 11 of us. I don't see my brother and Hailey anywhere." Jack says and I smirk. "They propably wanted some privacy." I laugh and go back to my room, Jack following me. "Kappy! Wake up! I need to change" I yell and he groans opening his eyes. "You guys go wake up rest of us and I take a shower. I think I have beer in my hair" I chuckle disgusted about the thought.

After the shower I still felt awful so I just put on some grey sweatoants and Jack's hoodie. I know, I basically stole his hoodie... Well can you blame me? It's comfy.

I went to downstairs seeing everyone already there. "We are always ready if it's about food" Alex says and I chuckle.

"The starbucks isn't that far so maybe we can all walk there?" I suggest and most of the guys agree, some on the other hand groans.

We get to the starbucks after 15minutes and before I can get in, Alex stops me. "You guys go ahead I need to talk with Lexi" he says and Jack looks at me questioningly. "Take two big tables, okay" I say looking at Jack telling him it's okay. "Yeah sure." He says walking inside.

"So what do you wanna talk about" I ask him confused. "Well, I just wanted to know if you and Jack are finally dating? And if you are okay after all of that Blake and Kaapo misuderstanding." He says looking.. embarrased? Why is embarrased to ask that? "Yeah Alex I am okay. Really. That's because of you, and Jack. And basically everyone I have been with these few days." I say and he smiles.

"You skipped my first question." He then says looking deep into my eyes. "It's important to you isn't it?" I ask and he stops but then nods. "I love Jack, and love you and I know both of you have been through though times and I don't want our friendship to be ruined because of the fact that you guys hurt eachother with mixed emotions. " He says and I can see pain in his eyes. "I haven't liked a girl being in our group this much in so long. You are my bestie." I smile widely when Alex stops and hug him. "You are my bestie too. But yeah, I think we are. We haven't made it official yet but isn't it oblivious?" I smirk.

He chuckles and let's me go. "Yeah it is. Now let's go inside" he saya and we both walk through the doors.

I walk to the cash register to order and the customer in front of me turns around when he gets his order.




Aaaaaand now it's finally here! New part of this book! I hope you like it. It has been so long from when was tge last time I published something.

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