are you in?

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Lexi Kapanen

Our desserts came, but Jack was still in the bathroom. I was getting kind of anxious, not knowing where he is.

"What's taking so long with Jack?" I ask and everyone turns to me. "He left atleast ten minutes ago." I say shrugging my shoulders. "I go check if there is a long line or something." Auston says and gets up. Everyone turns back to their conversations and Mitch and I start to talk about my upcoming visit in Toronto and well also Edmonton, Colorado and Chigaco.

I haven't told anyone else yet, but I've planned to move somewhere else than in Washington D.C. I mean yeah, I love this place but I wanna see some other city's and states even..

"Yeah, I'm planning on visisting the University not far from your apartment complex. You know in few years I am going to college or university anyway so why wait till the last minute to decide where to apply." I say taking a bite of my chocolate cake. "Yeah and I mean Toronto has pretty good-" "You fucking bastard are not going any nearer to my sister! Stay away from her!" We hear Auston yell and I turn around seeing Jack walking towards the table, Auston not that far behind. He looks pissed.

"What's going on?" I ask and Auston turns to me. "Let me tell you what's going on, You're precious little 'boyfriend' was in the hallway with his ex, flirting and all that crap." Auston spits out and doesn't sit down. Jack is standing closer to me his head down, afraid to mee my eyes.

I mean I would too propably, but I think he is more scared about meeting my brother, or my other brothers eyes to be honest.

"Jack what the fuck?" Quinn questions first. "Yeah dude what the fuck" Kasperi spits out putting his hand protectively around my shoulders. "It's not what Auston thought that it was! I promise I would never cheat on Lexi! Lexi you know that right. She came to me when I got outside! She didn't let me go even though I wanted to." He says frustrated. Few tears roll out of my eyes.

That's what everyone says in the movies, or books, or you know in real life too...

At least Lucas didn't try to fool me and just admitted what he did...

"How could you" I start "After all I have been through these past couple of months? I can't do this" I say running out of the restaurant.

I hear my name being called many times but I ignore it. I just run.

After a moment I stop. I can't breath and my legs are killing me. At some point my dress got ripped.

"Did you really think you could run away from hockey players?" I hear Jack say behind me.

I swipe my running mascara and turn around. He is standing there, tears in his eyes as well.

Wait, he is crying?

"Are you.. crying?" I ask taking few steps closer to him. "What do you expect me to do when the person I love so fucking much doesn't trust me!" He says, hurt evident in his voice.

I can practically hear his heart breaking.

But so is mine.. I don't know if he tells the truth or not.

"How no one else came after me?" I ask but he ignores it. He takes few steps closer so that we are only about 4 feet away from eachother.

"Look, I know you have trust issues because of Lucas and I know you've don't believe me but really Lexi, I would never do that. I love you okay. I don't want my past to ruin what we have. I really want to make this work okay? You just need to trust me with this. I'm 100% in this thing we have, my question is, are you?" He says offering me his suits jacket.

But the question is

Am I?

"I am"


I'm soo sorry for how long it took me to publish this part but now that I'm getting used to this online school thing, maybe I can update more often.

I love you || Jack HughesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt