Welcome to Pandora

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My eyes twitch before opening, the effects of Cryosleep waring off slowly. I'm...awake. Does that mean..! My bed is released with a hiss of air, and slides out. An attendant comes over to me shortly after. Asking me questions about how I'm feeling, before unlatching my bindings. I immediately start floating above my bed. So this is zero gravity...cool. I move along to my locker, suddenly feeling the side-effects of my Cryosleep. My throat was a desert, and my head was throbbing. Cryosleep not so cool...check. I groan and place my head on my locker.

"Hurts like a bitch don't it." An unfamiliar voice catches my attention. "Sshhhhh, could you tone it down please. God I feel like I'm just waking up after drinking an entire liquor shop's worth of alcohol..." I moan out in pain. The man laughs beside me. "Yea I feel ya. It should wear off after an hour or so." He says. I finally look at him. "You've done this before? What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask, not understanding how someone could put themselves through this torture more than once. "No, but that's what the attendant over there said." The man says with a smirk. I laugh but regret it and groan soon after.

I manage to grab my things. "Kaiya Starr, Botanist/Avatar Driver." I introduce myself. "Jake Sully, ex-marine/substitute twin of deceased Avatar Driver. Nice to meet you." He says a bit too quickly, not wanting pity being my guess. "Alright then. Guess that makes us comrades." I say with a friendly half smile, due to being unable to smile fully, because of dried lips. He nods with the same smile. "Guess so." He says. Before long we're entering Pandora's human base of operations. We're instructed to put Eco-masks on and get off the ship single file. Me behind Jake since I'm taken back by all the beautiful scenery Pandora has to offer. Every Botanist's wet dream. I shake out of my shock and fangirling, before running to catch up with Jake. Control now, fangirl later.

After the welcoming lecture, Jake and I make our way to our station. We're met by a happy Norm, who's eyes set on Jake. "My god, you look just like Tommy, you're definitely his twin. Nice to finally meet you, I'm Norm. Kaiya, good to see you again. I was wondering when you'd get here." Norm says with a smile. I pat his shoulder. "About time right?" I ask with a smile. "I'd say, our Avatars are fully matured." He says. My eyes widen. "Really? Can we see them?" I ask excited. "Right this way guys." Norm says leading us towards the blueish green spheres in the back of the room. My eyes immediately lock on the female, and before I knew it, I was right next to it. She's...

"Beautiful..." I say quietly. "Yea she is, pretty soon you'll be swimming in Omaticayan males. Might even have the urge to settle down there eh?" Norm teases as I glare at him. "No thanks, I'm strictly Pink flesh. Blue isn't my kink." I say and look back at my Avatar, while Norm breaks out in laughter. "Omaticayan?" Jake asks. I look to him. "Omaticaya, are the Na'vi clan we're here for. Supposedly they're taking up residence above a large deposit of special rocks this company wants." I explain. "Ah, gotcha." He says. Personally, I think the Na'vi are way more important than some rock, but I wasn't hired to give my opinion, just to take their money they offered and do as they say. I sigh and tear myself away from my second body, to follow the others.

"I'm so excited, we're working under Doctor Augustine! She literally wrote the book of The Na'vi. Though, I heard she's really strict." Norm says. "Well of course, in our profession, we can't afford mistakes or half cocked plans and actions. We could ruin everything we've work so hard on." I say. "True, very true." Norm says before the woman herself walks over to us. After introducing ourselves, she asks something unexpected. "How's your Na'vi?" She asks. Norm is the first to speak up, and they converse in Na'vi language. Grace then looks to me. 'I hope your way here was pleasing to you.' She says with a slight nod of her head. 'My head felt like it might explode. However it was worth it. I'm so happy to be working under you.' I say fluently.

"Very good, very good indeed. See I need you two, not you. I need your brother, the PHD who spent months training for this." Grace says turning her attention to Jake. "He's dead. Sorry about the inconvenience." Jake says. "Are you even a scientist? What's your major?" She asks. "I'm quite proud to say I disected a frog without any complications." Jake says sarcastically. I hold back a laugh, biting my lip. "You see, they're pissing on us, without the courtesy of calling it rain. I am going straight to that idiot and kicking his butt." Grace says and storms out. A guy in a lab coat comes up. "Be here at 0800 tomorrow. You're going to be able to take your Avatars out." He says. We nod and follow along with him. Max I think he said his name was? In pursuit of Grace. I'll have to ask him later. After Grace has a few choice words with corporate, we're sent to our rooms for the night. After a couple cups of water and some food, I pass out on my bed.

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