Training With The Na'vi

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Once properly dressed, I follow silently behind Tsu'tey. He leads to a large section where a fire and the navi sat, eating dinner, they were chatting lively. It gets silent once we enter and I bite my lip. Then the sound of Jake finds my ears. "Good evening, please don't get up." He says and I look up to glare at him. His eyes find me and he waves. I contemplate giving him the middle finger but remember we only have four fingers in the Na'vi bodies. I'll get him back later. I settle for an eye roll at him and turn back to my lovely teacher to be. Where is he? Did he just disappear? I look around wide eyed until my eyes find him.

He had already sat down and was eating a green plant of some sort. I sigh and walk over to him, sitting in between him and another Na'vi. He was less than pleased that I found him, but says nothing. Neytiri gets up from where she had sat, and walks to a basket, grabbing two green plants and walks over to Jake. My stomach growls all of the sudden. My eyes widen and I get up, go over to their basket, and grab one. After finding my spot again, I sit and eat. Tsu'tey makes no move to talk to me and neither does any other Na'vi. It didn't bother me, I didn't want to talk to Tsu'tey either, but I would like to speak to other Na'vi. I sigh and continue to eat.

Once dinner was over, Tsu'tey gets up. I do as well, otherwise I had no doubt he'd leave me here. All the Na'vi get up and file out. Surprisingly I didn't lose him in the crowd, and soon, we're above hammocks. Tsu'tey grabs the smaller branch and swings into a hammock, closing it right after. I do the same, and close the hammock, my back facing Tsu'tey. I soon fall asleep.

After coming back to reality, I had made my video audit, ate, showered, and fell asleep. Soon, I was back in my Na'vi body. I at least have to try right? Even if I am going to be slaughtered. I sigh and wake up. I open my eyes, seeing Tsu'tey glaring down at me. 'What?' I ask. 'Training is starting.' He says annoyed and walks away. I sigh and get up. He has me follow him out of hometree and into a small area, the ground filled with tracks of many different animals. Surprisingly, I recognize alot of them.

"Find the Thanator." He says in English, which catches me off guard. 'You can speak your native tongue if you want. I understand it very well.' I say. 'Find the Thanator.' He repeats. He probably thinks I don't know the animals here... I nod and point to the correct footprints, earning an annoyed grunt from him, before he walks off. He's mad. Probably wanted to call me useless or spout something about me being not wanted here or what not. I stop a proud smile from forming and clear my throat. 'What's next?' I ask, walking up to him. "We follow it. Without notice." He says completely calm, despite what he just said. Follow...the Thanator?! I silently scream. "What if it notices?" I ask nervously. "You die." He says matter of factly. Oh, jee thanks. Just what I want to hear... I sigh, pout, and walk back to the Thanator print.

After studying it a bit longer I look around, soon finding it's match. It led deeper into the trees and shrubbery. 'The Thanator went this way, are you sure we should follow it?' I ask hoping he was joking. 'Yes.' He says annoyed at my hesitation. I sigh and bite my lip, looking towards the prints. 'If the Warrior does not learn, Tsahik will order her killed.' Tsu'tey says, with a hopeful glint in his eyes. He's practically begging for me to fail, just so he can kill me. No, I won't let myself fail. I will do whatever it takes to survive. I bite my lip. 'I won't fail.' I say and follow the tracks into the trees. 'We will see.' He says and follows after me.

There were many noises within the trees, some louder than others. But one stands out as we follow the tracks. I lower myself to the ground, slowly sneaking forward, observing my surroundings, without losing the tracks. I cannot be seen, we cannot be seen. I slowly go forward, silent as possible. It's almost night time, shouldn't be much longer until the plants start glowing. It must be almost dinner time. The trees and shrubbery looked almost menacing in the quickly darkening forest. Compared to Tsu'tey, my footsteps were noisy, so I slow even more, until I come to a complete stop.

Where are they?! I search the underbrush, frantically looking around. 'What is wrong?' Tsu'tey asks stopping as well. They're gone! The tracks are gone! I don't answer, afraid to speak. Calm down Kaiya, panicking won't solve anything...think rationally. I close my eyes and take a few breaths, calming my breathing, and heartbeat. The underbrush is everywhere, the tracks probably were wiped clean because of it. Thanators are large animals, their paws can't not leave something. Find something else, something a large animal would leave. I take a few more breaths and open my eyes. Searching the ground, I look for anything useful. Broken twigs or shrubbery, crushed leaves, even droppings, though I can't imagine what Thanator dung would look like. The night draws ever closer, and the plant life begins to emit their glowing neon colors. With the changing of the forest, soon I find something.

'Do Thanators climb trees?' I ask as quiet as possible. He's my should be ok to ask questions...right? Tsu'tey growls in annoyance but nods. So they do, then..! I look to the large, bulky tree to our left. Sure enough, very large, and very prominent claw marks decorate the tree's exterior, leading up into the branches. I make no noise or movement, as I look up into the tree. For a few moments, nothing is seen, until a large black tail drops from one of the top branches. It waves slowly in a relaxing nature. We haven't been spotted but we need to leave asap... I look to Tsu'tey, and point upwards. He looks and his eyes widen slightly. He looks to me, to the tail, and back to me. He motions slightly; towards where we came; with his head. I nod and slowly sneak to him.

He silently leads back the way we came. I watch his footing, making sure to step exactly where he stepped. The ground lights up where our feet touch it. We avoid branches and twigs, dry leaves, and anything else that'd make noise. My heart hammered in my chest from fear. At one point I forget to breath, until we're far enough away, then I let out a gasp of air, collapsing against a rock, my hands at my knees as I struggle to get my breathing controlled.

'You did not die.' Tsu'tey speaks up. I look to him and he rolls his eyes, but nods. that...suppose a complement? Although confused, I nod back. 'But you are loud. We work on that next.' He says annoyed. And~ there it is. I knew he wouldn't just throw a complement without complaining. I sigh, but I still find myself giving a small smirk. My first about beginners luck, I didn't die like I thought I would. That's something at least. "What's next?" I ask. Without answering, he turns and walks into Hometree.

Author's Note- quit asking about the finger thing on her Avatar body, it was an honest mistake that I can't be bothered to correct, because the storyline is more important than technicalities lmao

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