Lost and Found

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I break the water's surface with a gasp and quickly find something to grab ahold of. "Jake! Jake where are you?!" I call out breathlessly. "Kaiya! Where are you?!" I hear Jake call out. "Over here! By the tree roots in the water!" I yell back. Not long after I see Jake swimming around looking for me. "Here you idiot!" I call out again. He looks towards me before swimming against the current, and making it to me. I grab his arm and place it on one of the roots to help him. The frustrated roar of the Thanator catches both our attention. We stare at it, still on the cliff we jumped off. It paces before walking back into the forest. Jake and I look at eachother before laughing.

We follow the roots until we make it on land once more. "We made it. I cant believe we survived!" I say happily. "Not only that but did you yell back to that cat thing you were sorry? Who does that? That's like going up to a random person, punching him in the face and then telling him your sorry. It wont make sense to him so why would it make sense to that thing?" He asks teasing me. "Well, even though it wanted to kill us, it still doesnt need to be hurt because of it. It's only following it's instincts. We came into it's territory, not the other way around." I say. "Right...that aside I told you to run not throw a rock at the damn thing." He says a bit annoyed at the memory. I sigh. "Like you wouldn't have done the same damn thing." I say waving it off. "Even so that was dangerous Kaiya." He says. "Who cares you made it out alive as well so it was worth it. You're welcome by the way." I say before getting up.

"Come on, we have to keep moving. That Thanator won't give up so easily." I say. He arches a brow. "It's the correct term for it. The catlike animal is a Thanator and the Rhino thing is called a Hammerhead Titanothere. That's the scientific term given to it. Its all in Grace's book. And all our files back at base." I say. "Got it. Now is there something in Grace's book on how to get back to base?" He asks. "Unfortunately...no. We're literally just going to have to find a safe place and wait for them to find us. Well, hope they find us before anything else does." I say before we walk deeper into the trees.

We walk for hours and soon, its nightfall. "We should find a safe place quickly. There are a lot of night dwellers within these trees. Some friendly but..." I trail off when the sound of something like hyenas catches my attention. I sigh. Just my luck. "Others...not so much. That sound, the one like a hyena? You hear it right?" I ask. He nods. "Good or bad?" He asks. Another hyena sound. "Bad." I say and walk faster. He grabs a large branch and takes out his knife. He begins sharpening the end. "What are you doing? You can't possibly hope to stay alive with a handcrafted spear. The animals here are too tough for that. Their skin is too hard." I say quietly. "We should focus on running and finding shelter. The plants that glow should be enough lighting for us. Plus a spear could unnecessarily and inhumanly hurt the animals." I say. "Tell you what Pocahontas. You can do whatever you feel you should. I'm making a spear and a torch. I just hope a fire can be lit here." He says.

I sigh and look around as the sounds of hyenas get closer. "What is that sound from?" He asks curiously. "Viperwolves I believe Grace called them. They look like a mixture between wolves and hyenas, just more legs. They have a pull back lip like the Thanator does but are much smaller." I say repeating what was in the book. "Aren't you a plant scientist? How do you know so much about the wildlife here?" He asks lighting the makeshift torch he made. "Botanist. And yes but I also have a slight photographic memory. I remember almost all of Grace's book by heart." I say, Jake pulling me behind him, as he flashes the fire in that direction. Showing a bunch of glowing green eyes. "Viperwolves?" He asks. "Yep. By the looks of it, there's a whole pack. Lucky us." I say sarcastically. "Well walking textbook, do we run or fight." He asks. "Run if we can, fight if you must, but I do not advise fighting them. There's too many." I say. We start running.

"The ground isn't leveled enough to full on sprint, the risk of tripping is too high." I say. "So we're screwed if we run and we're screwed if we don't, is that what I'm getting from that?" He asks. "More or less." I say. Jake sighs annoyed. "I ain't got all night." He calls out, egging the viperwolves on. "Lets not piss them off Jake." I say and dodge as a viperwolf snaps at my leg. "Looks like running is out of the question Pocahontas." He says. "Stop calling me that and pay attention!" I say yanking him back as a viperwolf launches at him.

He shines the light towards a growl, showing a Viperwolf's stalking us

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He shines the light towards a growl, showing a Viperwolf's stalking us. Another attacks me and I grab its slim body and throw it off me, but gain a nice amount of scratches. The pain hurt but I ignore it. Jake is pinned by another, in which I grab a nearbye branch and whack it off him. "You know I'm getting real tired of having to save you all the time, arent you a marine?" I tease, dodging another Viperwolf. They all start attacking in groups. Jake stabs a Viperwolf in the body, making it yelp and run off, dragging the makeshift spear slightly away before it falls out of it's wound. I flinch unknowingly at the Viperwolf's yelp.  They keep coming an attacking and soon, I'm convinced we're not making it til the morning. Just as I think that, an arrow whizzes past me and Jake. I look in the direction it came and what I see, makes my eyes widen. Is that a...Na'vi?

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