The woman

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Oh my god, it's a real Na'vi! She's beautiful... I'm brought out of my thoughts as the female attacks them left and right, and soon, drives them off. She growls at their retreating forms. I look to Jake out of the corner of my eye. He still held the knife he'd taken out a few minutes before the woman came. I look to the fire, and back to her. She turns, shielding her eyes from the flames, speaking in her native tongue annoyed as she grabs the fire. "Hey wait, don't!" Jake says but she ignores him and throws the fire in a small pool of water a few steps away.

She hears the sound of a Viperwolf in pain and goes to it's side. She pulls a knife out and jams it into the Viperwolf's heart, silencing it and it's pain forever. I look around once again. The light coming from the plants and water were brighter than before. Beautiful... Jake tries talking to her, trying to thank her. She ignores him again and starts walking off. Jake chases after her, saying thank you again, earning him a smack from her bow when he grabs her arm. "Don't thank. You don't thank for this. This is sad. Very sad only." She says, pointing her bow at him. I need to help. I slowly walk to Jake. 'We are sorry, and our hearts grieve for the loss of these innocent beings. Their deaths were unnesesary and unforgivable.' I speak gently. She seems to acknowledge this, and calms down. Unfortunately Jake's next words annoy her.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Whatever I did, I'm sorry." He says. The woman paces a couple times. "All this is your fault. They did not need to die." She says pointing to the many dead beasts. Please don't say anything stupid Jake. "Wait my fault? They attacked me. How am I the bad guy?" He asks defensively. "Your fault!" She snaps. I sigh and smack the back of his head with my tail. He yelps slightly and looks at me, rubbing the back of his head. 'What?' He mouths silently. I roll my eyes. "Your fault." She repeats. "Easy. Easy." He says. "You're like babies. Making noise, don't know what to do." She says. "Fine, fine." He says and stands up. "If you love your little forest friends, why not just let them kill our asses?" He asks. 'What he is asking is, why save us?' I translate.

"Why save you?" She asks to clarify. "Yea, why save us." He says. She thinks about this for a second. "You have strong hearts. No fear." She says. She obviously can't read our emotions if she thinks we dont fear. "But stupid! Ignorant like children." She says and walks off. Jake scoffs and looks at me. Giving a mocking face before grabbing his makeshift spear. I roll my eyes and walk towards the woman, past him. He jogs up to us. "Well if we're children, maybe you should teach us." He says. "Stop talking." I murmur only for him to hear. "Sky people cannot learn, they do not see." She counters. "Then teach us to see!" He says. "No one can teach you to see." She says. "Well, can't we talk? Where'd you learn to speak English? Dr. Augustine's school?" He asks. Persistent much Jake?

As he chases her, he loses his footing, and the woman grabs his arm, steadying him. "You're like a baby." She says and mumbles something about idiot sky people. "We need your help." He says. "You should not be here." She says. "Okay take us with you." He says. "No, go back." She says. "No." He says and earns himself a shove from the woman. "Go back." She says again but suddenly looks up at something. I follow her gaze, finding quite a few jellyfish-like things coming towards us. My eyes widen and without realizing it, I reach out my hand towards them. Quite a few land on my extended arm, bobbing on and off my skin gently. It tickled at how light and gentle their touch was.

The woman stares at me as another lands on my nose, while the rest covered Jake's chest, and arms, which she watches intently. He slapped a couple away but the woman scolds him. "What are they?" He asks. "Seeds of the sacred tree. Very pure spirits." She says in awe, clearly touched by the display. For a few seconds, we stand there in awe at them, but all the sudden, they all leave us at once and float away. "What was that all about?" He asks. "Come." She says. We don't move. "Come." She repeats, grabbing Jake's wrist and pulling him along. I follow silently, still remembering the seedlings' soft touch. My skin still tingled from their presence. "Where are you taking us?" He asks, getting distracted by glowing mushrooms and the floor beneath us that glowed at our touch. "Come." She says again.

"What's your name?" He asks, and just as we walk into the opening in the trees, two bolas are sent twirling towards us. Jake is the first, caught by one, while the next crashes into my legs, making me hit my chin on the tree trunk we were walking on, and fall down onto my back, on the forest floor, right infront of a Direhorse, who's rider was anything but pleased at the sight of me. He glares between the two of us, his cold Golden stare settling on myself. He growls and dismounts.

I quickly remove the bola and meet the eyes of the male infront of me

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I quickly remove the bola and meet the eyes of the male infront of me. I look behind me as hoots of warning find my ears. Jake had pulled his knife out again. The woman jumps down soon after. 'Calm down my people. Calm down.' She yells before pushing Jake's hand and knife down, then looking at the man who had dismounted and still glared at me. I look back to him. 'What are you doing Tsu'tey?' The woman asks the recently revealed Tsu'tey. I look to her and back to him. 'These demons are forbidden here.' He speaks pointing between Jake and I. 'There has been a sign! This is a matter for the Tsahik!' She scolds. Tsu'tey's eyes widen slightly before grabbing my arm and forcing me up. 'Bring them.' He orders before tying my hands.

"Kaiya? What's going on? Let her go!" Jake yells fighting against his own captors. 'Don't do this please! Let us walk freely, we mean you no harm!' I say panicking, fighting against his hold. 'That hurts! You're tying it too tight! Let go!' I say and continue to struggle against his hold the entire time. But in the end his strength wins, and I'm trapped. 'We ride.' He orders and gets back on his horse, clutching tightly to the vine connected to my bindings. He doesn't mean to make me run while he rides the horse right?! I breath heavily, worrying about what they'll do to us. They ride off, but thankfully don't gallop.

I struggle against the bindings more and turn back towards Jake, who was tied just as I am, a rider holding the vine attached to him. "Jake. Jake!" I yell, digging my heels into the mucky ground, earning an unappreciative grunt from the Direhorse. The man towing me, yanks on the vine, throwing me towards him, falling onto the ground. He growls, stops, and dismounts. He grabs my arm annoyed, pulling me up. I try pulling my arm away but it doesn't happen. 'Release me, I am not livestock being lead to slaughter!' I snap at him angrily and annoyed. He growls again and forces me towards the horse's side. I look to him confused and angry at his treatment. 'Climb.' He orders annoyed. 'I refuse.' I say glaring at him. 'Do it. Or I will drag you behind us.' He says furious. I flinch at the thought and try to climb, but my bindings make that impossible. He growls annoyed again and attempts to help, but as I struggled to get up, he is smacked in the face with my tail. This pisses him off even more and he pushes me up onto the horse's back with a little more force than necessary, and soon I'm sprawled sideways on the horse's back like a hunter places it's kill. He mounts soon after and starts going again. Anger boils within me but I sigh. Well, at least I don't have to walk. Even if I am forced to ride with this a**hole.

A/N- in the original storyline jake wasn't tied up, but this didnt make sense to me, considering he was viewed as an enemy, whether the sign from Eywa had saved him or not, he was considered an enemy by the rest until after Tsahik welcomed him (kind of). Considered an enemy, why would he have been left unbound being so close to so many Na'vi? If he was an enemy he could have easily hurt some of them. So I had that little tidbit changed. I hope you're enjoying the story!

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