Home Tree

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We're brought to a very large tree, which looked to be the tree that the hologram in the office Grace had gone to, in order to lecture about getting Jake. I look up to the best of my ability from the horse's back to the enormous tree. Amazing...so this is their home tree... My amazement is short lived, for Tsu'tey stops, pulling my arm down with him, he rids of my bindings, keeping one hand near my neck with a blade, while the other held my long braid. I move my hands, stretching out my wrists, rubbing them with the opposite hand, as I'm pushed forward, stumbling as I try to stay up.

Many Na'vi were cautious, while others would quickly touch my arms or hair as Tsu'tey led me forward. Jake joining me soon after. "Kaiya, are you ok?" He asks as we finally stop in front of a couple people. "I'm fine." I say glaring at Tsu'tey, and the woman from before, walk past us to a man with a feathered top covering his shoulders and chest. 'Father. I see you.' The woman greets as the feathered man walks to us, circling around us. 'These creatures. Why do you bring them here?' The man asks, stopping before his daughter. 'I was going to kill them, but there was a sign from Eywa.' She says. 'I have said many times, no dreamwalker must come to this place. Their alien smell fills my nose.' The man says scrunching up his nose for good measure, earning laughs from his tribe.

"What's he saying?" Jake asks. "My father is deciding whether to kill you or not." The woman says. "Your father? Its nice to meet you sir." Jake says going to shake hands, causing all to go on the defensive. "Jake! Get back here this instant or he'll kill us both!" I yell before looking at them. He's got to be the chief. 'I am sorry for his blatant disrespect. He is unaccustomed to the Na'vi way.' I explain politely without moving. The chief and his daughter look to me. 'Release these creatures immediately!' A new woman's voice calls out. I look to the staircase to our left, as does everyone else. The woman wore a red outfit and a headress of beads. 'I will look at these aliens.' The new woman says.

"That is mother. She is Tsahik, she interprets the will of Eywa." The woman who saved us explains. "Who's Eywa?" Jake asks. "Their deity. Try not to speak and just listen until spoken to Jake. Let the Tsahik do what she wants." I say quietly. The Tsahik, circles us both. Examining our braids on the back of our heads, our tails as well. Then stops in front of us. "What are you called?" She asks looking to me first. "Jake Sully." He responds, meeting her gaze. The Tsahik nods and pulls out a small dagger, before poking him with it, and tasting his blood. She nods again before coming to me. "And you?" She asks. "Kaiya Starr." I say, keeping eye contact. She does the same to me as to Jake. "Why did you come to us?" She asks firmly.

"We came to learn." Jake says. "We've tried to teach other sky people. It is hard to fill a cup which is already full." Tsahik says. "What about you? Have you the same reasoning?" She asks. "Yes. I'm sure you'll find we are very different from our kind. Our cups remain empty. Especially that one." I say nodding towards Jake, who narrows his eyes at me. Tsahik nods and looks between the two of us. "What she says is true. Just ask Dr. Augustine. We're no scientists." Jake says. Did he forget I'm a scientist or does he leave that out on purpose? "What are you then?" Tsahik asks. "We are warriors of the Jarhead clan. Kaiya here is specialized in archery." He says making my eyes widen. How did he..? "She saved me from an enemy, hit him straight in the head first try." He explains and I understand. He's just making things up, based on what he saw with the Thanator. Grace did mention the Na'vi hate scientists, is that why? I sigh and choose silence. 'Warriors? I could kill them easily!' Tsutey says excitedly.

'No!' The chief says, stopping him. 'This is the first Warrior Dreamwalker we have seen. We must learn more about them.' The chief says. 'My daughter, you will teach him our way, to speak and walk as we do.' Tsahik says, making the woman angrily growl. 'Why me, that's not fair.' The woman says whining. 'It is decided.' Tsahik says stopping her complaints. The daughter growls again. 'What about the woman? Can we kill her?' Tsu'tey says bow in hand. I widen my eyes and back up a step. The Tsahik looks to me. 'You speak our language, do you not?' Tsahik asks. 'I do.' I say. 'And you are a warrior just like him?' She asks looking at my body structure. 'I am. Archery is my specialty.' I say hoping she'll buy it. 'Very well, Tsu'tey.' Tsahik says. 'You'll allow me to kill her?' He asks. 'No. You are to teach her our ways just as Ne'tiri. No exceptions.' Tsahik says. Tsu'tey narrows his eyes in annoyance, and glares at me. 'Very well.'  He says. I'm dead. I am so dead. I silently scream as Tsu'tey stomps over to me.

"It is decided. My daughter will teach you our ways and Tsu'tey will teach your woman. Learn well, Jake Sully, Kaiya Starr. Then we'll see if your insanity...can be cured." Tsahik says. His woman?! This is not so. "I do not belong to him, nor he to me. We are of the same tribe only." I clarify so there is no misunderstanding. "I see. Well no matter what you are to each other, the task is still the same." Tsahik says and walks off. 'Get them proper clothing. If they are to be one of us, they must learn to dress like us.' The chief says. Tsu'tey and the woman now known as Ne'tiri nod. Tsu'tey leads me away. I go, though I wish I didn't have to. I am going to die. Stupid Jake, mark my words if I die you'll be the first person I haunt.

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