To Be a Hunter

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He leads me into the upper parts of Hometree, only stopping once we step onto one of the highest limbs. 'Why have you brought me here?' I ask confused. He doesn't answer, he simply whistles a strange tune. I tilt my head, confused. A swift gust of wind, blows through the trees, bringing with it the cry of a creature I can't place. I look around, trying to find it. 'Watch.' Tsu'tey says, catching my attention. I quickly look to him, only to see him jump off the tree limb. Did he just..?! My eyes widen and I quickly run to the edge, looking for him.

"Tsu'tey?!" I call out. No answer. I continue to look every which way, until something crashes through the leaves, just centimeters before me. I fall backwards from the shock, landing on my tail. I stare at the beast before me in awe. An Ikran..? I watch as the beast lands before me, revealing Tsu'tey atop it. My eyes widen, before narrowing. "Are you insane?! Don't just jump off Hometree like a lunatic!" I yell annoyed. To think I was worried about him even for a second! He ignores my scolding and climbs off, separating his braid from one of the Ikran's antenna. 'Look away, do not meet gaze. Ikran is not horse, once Shahaylu is made, only one rides. One bond, whole life.' Tsu'tey explains. Shahaylu..? Isn't that how Na'vi communicate with the animals here? So that means this Tsu'tey's? I examine the amazing flyer in awe, not getting too close, respecting it's boundaries.

'You are to be Taronyu. You will have your own, but Ikran must choose you.' He says, feeding his Ikran. "Wait, wait. You mean to tell me, that I'll have an Ikran?" I ask in shock. He nods. 'When you are ready, I'll bring you to them. But only, if I say you are ready.' He says before patting his Ikran's neck. The Ikran makes the noise I heard earlier, before flying off. We watch the Ikran dissapear into Hometree's branches. I'll own Ikran. This is...amazing! I look to Tsu'tey. "Follow." Is all he says, before walking past me. "Would it kill you to say please once in a while?" I call out after him, before sighing, and following him.

"It's been...almost a month now? I don't know, the days blur together. Jake and I have trained day in and day out in what it's like to be a Na'vi and live their ways. Mostly its just been hunting, tracking, learning to ride Direhorse, you know that kind of thing. Tsu'tey hasn't changed much, though he seems to have stopped eagerly waiting to kill me, now I think he's waiting for me to slip up and kill myself or something...I don't know, but it's progress. Though I have to say, A few days ago the old him did seem to appear, we were a bit late for training due to relocating to the Floating Isles, or 'The Hallelujah Mountains' as Norm calls them. Ah, the Floating Isles, I've read about them in books, but man the writer didn't do them justice in the least! No offence to Grace that is." I look around for Grace, though she'd already turned in for the night. I look back towards the camera. "Don't tell her I said that alright? She'd never let me hear the end of it. Wait..!" I suddenly realize my video logs goto Grace. "Shit!" I whisper loudly and cover my face. I peek out at the camera through parted fingers. "Grace...just...pretend not to hear what I just said alright? I don't mean it, come on, you know I love your works." I say and sigh. She's gonna kill me when she hears this log...

I look towards camera. "Well, either way, show must go on. Once we inhabited our Na'vi again, Tsu'tey was there, with the angriest look I'd ever seen him have." I laugh at the memory. "In spite of his...behavior, he does have a knack for teaching. Though he's not too good at explaining, more or less says do this, and waits. If I get it wrong, he says do it again. Over...and over...and over again. Bullies me constantly, trips me if I'm not quiet enough, smacks my hands when I use the spear wrong, and don't even get me started on our sparring!" I find myself getting annoyed, and clench my fists and jaw. "You know what? He's not a good teacher at all, just a cocky warrior who bullies and belittles!" I say slamming my fists on the table. I groan and sigh. "But...he's all I got so I suppose, I'll deal with it. Jesus, I think I use these logs for ranting about Tsu'tey instead of documentaries. Whatever. Anyway, it's time I turn in." I say and end the recording. I sigh and lean back against the chair I sat on. I wonder what he'll torture me with tomorrow.. I decide not to think about it and walk to my bed. I'm asleep in no time.

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