Na'vi Body

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A few hours later, my alarm goes off. It's time! I excitedly get out of bed, and get dressed. Remember Kaiya, you're just trying her on today, kind of like going to a dressing room to put on a new pear of shorts, making sure it fits before buying. I silently remind myself. Once ready, I make my way to the pod room. Jake wheels up shortly after I appear. We look to each other and smile. "You ready for this?" He asks. 'A Na'vi is always ready.' I say in the Na'vi native language. Jake tilts his head in confusion, making me remember he didnt know how to speak or understand it. "S-Sorry I forgot you didn't know how to understand Na'vi, I basically said 'a Na'vi is always ready'." I say. "Gotcha. No worries." He says with a chuckle. We go in, seeing Grace is waiting.

Norm had gotten there earlier I assume, so he was being placed in a pod already. Grace notices us and waves us over. "Kaiya welcome, you're here." Grace says. Jake is ushered over to another pod, after a few quips between the two of them, Jake is shut in. Grace comes over to me. "You know the deal, try to empty your mind. Allow yourself to be brought into your Avatar." She says as I lay down on the cool gel-like bed. She places the metal on me. "Are you ready?" She asks. I nod in excitement. "Okay. See you on the other side." She says, closing the pod door. I close my eyes, and soon, a White light meets me, and I'm taken to my Avatar.

When I open my eyes, my vision is slightly blurred, but adjusts quickly. One of the humans come over to me, and starts his exam. After a few exercises, and facial expressions, I hear a commotion behind me. Jake was already out of the bed and watching his tail, while whipping everything off tables with it, and soon goes to the door. The humans yelling for sedation. I sigh with a laugh and get up. "We'll bring him back." I say to the human who quickly tells me I shouldn't put that kind of stress on my body yet. I wave him off and get up. After pulling the tubes off, I run out the door. Quickly finding Jake who was about to run. "Jake!" I yell before running after him, I quickly catch up to him, and soon we're running side by side.

"You realize you're never going to hear the end of it from those people right?" I ask. "Eh they'll be fine. Those tests aren't even needed, just throw us in." He says before skidding to a halt. "Your ass is showing, you do realize that right?" I ask stopping with him. "If mine is then yours is as well." He says. My eyes widen and I quickly fumble with the hospital gown before tying it together in the back. "T-The Na'vi wear much less than this. We should get use to it. I've already started making an outfit." I say hiding my embarrasment. "Over achiever much?" He teases. Before I can answer, Grace calls to us both.

"Hey Marine, Kaiya, catch." She says throwing each of us a purple fruit. I catch it first, then Jake. "Responses look good. Now lets get you guys some clothes." She says before walking away. We follow and a few hours later, we're turning in for the night at a cabin specifically for Avatars. The humans are made to leave. "Sleep tight everybody, tomorrow we're going out." Grace calls. I practically cheer in excitement.

Early morning, we all climb into a helicopter. We all are armed with weapons. Jake and Norm both get a guns, whereas I chose to just have a knife. I've never shot a gun before, but when we had a state fair back on earth, I use to love going to the Native American section. I use to love archery. But then the fairs stopped and everything changed. I sigh at the memory. I'm taken back to the present when the helicopter lands. We all file out quickly, grace asks to shut the engine down. "We'll be here a while!" She calls to the woman named Trudy who was our pilot.

Once the helicopter is off, I look around slowly. All the shrubs, and greenery look so healthy and happy. A few tears build in my eyes, but I blink them away. I miss trees and shrubs. Wildlife...Nature in general. Its been so long... I look back to Grace. "It's beautiful here." I say happily. "Yes, very beautiful indeed. Go and have a look around if you want, stay close though. Its dangerous." She warns before injecting a tree and watching its energy flow in a small camera. I notice Jake was walking away, and decide to follow. "Mind if I tag along Rambo?" I ask. He chuckles. "Be my guest." He says. We walk through the trees and greenery, coming to a stop when we notice strange spiral plants. Jake immediately touches one, making it shrink back into it's pod. He continues doing this until they all start shrinking into their pods. Why did they just... The sound of an animal catches my attention. My eyes widen as soon as I lay eyes on it.

 My eyes widen as soon as I lay eyes on it

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Hammerhead Titanothere...never did I think I'd see one up close. As I stare in awe, Jake points his gun at it. I quickly slap him with my tail, hard. "Don't even think about it. I do not plan on dying today." I say between clenched teeth, just loud enough for him to hear. "Don't shoot. You'll only piss him off. Its a territorial display." Grace whispers, hiding behind a tree. Norm staring on in fear. The hammerhead makes the loud noise again before breaking a couple trees, and charging at us. "What am I suppose to do, dance with it?" Jake asks keeping eye contact with the beast. "Don't do anything." Grace scolds quietly. As the Hammerhead gets closer, Jake runs up to it yelling. It stops quick before shrinking back with a whine, however it wasn't scared of Jake, something behind him was the cause. I follow the Titanothere's line of sight. Coming face to face with something I really hoped was just my imagination.

The thing I was staring face to face with, being no other than a Thanator

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The thing I was staring face to face with, being no other than a Thanator. It pulls back its lips, displaying its sharp teeth with a hiss. Oh shit. It jumps over me, landing before Jake, scaring away the Titanotheres. "Jake...I think we should stop playing around and run." I say not daring to look away from the beast before us. "Now what? Shoot? Don't shoot?" Jake says seeing the. "Kaiya's right. Run, definitely run!" Grave says. The Thanator roars, and I grab Jake's tail, tugging it as hard as I can. "Run!" I yell before taking off. Jake and the Thanator not far behind me. We jump behind the roots of large trees, but the Thanator still attacks left and right. I find an opening and tug his tail again. "This way!" I yell and run out the gap in the roots. Jake follows, but the Thanator is too quick and pounces on him, grabing his backpack in it's jaws. I skid to a halt and look towards them. "Kaiya! Get out of here! Don't stop!" He yells to me. I look around breathing heavy, and find a stone. Slightly bigger than a rock, about the size of my human hand. I quickly grab it and launch it at the Thanator. It hits it in the eye, and the large cat howls in pain, lifting itself on its back legs. Jake immediately unsnaps his backpack and  drops below.

He struggles to get up and I run to him, grabbing his arm, and pulling him up. "Sorry about the stone!" I yell over my shoulder towards the Thanator as we run away. We notice an entangled line of large thick vines and run through it, hoping to slow the Thanator down. It works slightly but soon we stop dead in our tracks. We're out of time. The path is gone! Just a cliff is here now. I turn, looking at Jake. He seems to understand. With the roar of the Thanator at our backs, Jake and I jump off the cliff, and fall into the roaring waters below.

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