You've got to be kidding me

17 3 0

The next morning I woke up confused as to where the hell I was.But soon after that the memories came flooding back. I sighed then looked on the floor and saw a sleeping Brandon. I tapped him slightly and his eyes opened.

"Good morning sunshine" I said with a smile

"Well hello" he said then got up

"I have to get home" I said then got up

"Do you want me to walk you" he asked

"No I'll be fine" I said

He walked me to the front door then said

"I'll call you later okay"

"Okay" I said with a smile then left

When I got to my house I tried to sneak in quietly but Nanny was already waiting

"You said you were going to be home late not that you were staying out all night" nanny yelled

"I know I'm sorry I lost track of time" I said walking past her

"You're lucky I'm not your mother or I would ground you" she said

"Nanny I'm 17 years old you need to calm down" I said rolling my eyes

I went to my room and changed into my red shirt and white shirt with a random pair of heels. I did light makeup and curled my hair so I looked presentable.I was just scrolling through Instagram when I heard nanny call my name.I walked downstairs to see Chad standing by the door

"Hey can we talk" he asked

"Okay" I said then we walked to my room

"You look nice today" he said

"Get to the point chad why are you here" I said

He looked me in the eyes and that's when I noticed the dark circle around his eye.The dark circle Brandon gave him.

"I messed up really bad last night" he said

"And I don't know what to do to fix this shit but I love you Aliceion more than anything" he said

"Oh" was all I said

"Look I know I can make it up to you just let me prove it" he begged

"How" I said folding my arms

"Let me take you to dinner tonight and we can talk"

"Chad" I began to say

"I'm so sorry for what I did to you" he said

"I love you" he said

"Please just give me another chance" he begged

"Fine I'll go to dinner with you"I said unfolding my arms

"I promise you won't regret this" he said then kissed me on the cheek

He left shortly after and I decided to watch an episode of gossip girl before getting ready.Chad was picking me up at 7 and it was already 4 so I need to start getting ready. I took a bath and put on my mint dress and silver heels. I did light makeup and curled my hair like normal. I looked at the clock and it was 6:45. I heard a knock on the door and walked downstairs.I opened the door and saw Brandon. But before I could say anything Chad pilled up and honked the horn. Brandon looked at me with wide eyes and say

"What are you doing Aliceion"

"I'll talk to you later okay" I said then walked past him

I walked to chads car and got in and he asked

"Why is he always around"

"He's not that bad" I said

"He gave me a busted face" chad snorted

"Because you cheated on me" I snapped

"I told you I'm sorry" chad said gripping the weal tighter

"Well sorry doesn't change what you do you ass" I spat

"Aliceion please I don't want to fight I want to fix this"he said quietly

"Okay" With a sigh

We both agreed to get sushi and talk about our problems.We pulled up to the restaurant. Then walked in and took our seats.I ordered a spicy girl and he ordered a tuna roll with an egg drop soup.Once we got our food he spoke

"I know I can't go back and time and change what I did but I want you to know I love you so much and I truly am sorry"

"Chad" I began to say but he held his hand up and spoke again

"Nothing will change what I did but I want you to know You're the love of my life and if give me another chance I'll be the man you want me to be"

"I know you love me but how can I trust you after this" I said

"I'll never give you another reason not to trust me Aliceion please I'm begging you" he said then grabbed my hand

"Okay I'll give you another chance because I love you" I said with a smile

We finished eating and on the ride home he said

"Thank you so much for giving me another chance"

"Just don't make me regret it" I said

"I won't I promise" he said

He pulled out to my house and I gave him a quick kiss before walking inside.I went into my room and looked at my phone to see 6 missed calls and 17 messages all from Brandon

"where are you going"
"Why are you with him"
"What's going on" and so on

I texted him back and said

"Meet me outside in 15 minutes"

I changed into leggings and a crop top before quietly sneaking out the front door.I walked behind the house to see Brandon standing by the lake

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