Kinda like your soul

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Today is March 1st. I woke up and saw how red and puffy my eyes were from all the crying I did. I took a shower then applied several layers of  concealer to make my eyes look better. Once Brandon and I were dressed we went downstairs where nanny greeted us with coffee. Luckily we had a late take in today so we didn't need to be at school until 10:00 and it was only 7:23. I never have time to watch tv in the morning so I started watching an episode of sponge bob. I looked up to see nanny and Brandon looking at me with raised brows.

"I like this show" I said then focused back on the tv

"I'm going fix my hair" Brandon said then walked upstairs

                 Brandon's point of view

While I was brushing my hair Nanny came upstairs and started getting the sheets off the bed.

"Nanny the sheets are clean" I said

"Please Brandon these are sex sheets that need to be Cleansed Kinda like your soul" she said then walked out the door leaving me in the room feeling oddly uncomfortable

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