I hate her

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"What are you screaming about" I asked

But when I got downstairs I saw exactly why. My father was here.

"Dad" I asked

"Do not call this bum dad" she yelled

"What the hell is wrong with you" I asked

"Your father and I come home from a long day of work on to see this man creeping around our house" she yelled

"Dad why didn't you call" I asked

"I couldn't you left your phone at my house and I wanted to return it" he said

"You were at his house" she yelled

"Yes and what's the issue" I asked

"How did you two even meet" she asked

"When I got kicked out of Disney world Brandon and I ran into him but I didn't know who he was then I saw my birth Certificate with no name so I called a Private investigator and he found dad" I said

"He is not your dad he was your sperm donor" she snapped

"He is my dad and I have a right to know him" I yelled

"Aliceion he's on drugs he's no good for us" she said

"This is not about us this is about me not everything is about you" I snapped

"You will not speak to him anymore" she yelled

"Yeah" my step dad said

All 3 of us looked at him and said

"David shut up"

"David is your father not this bum that you don't even know" she said

"I don't know him because you never gave me the opportunity to know him you didn't care about me enough to even mention him" I yelled

"The whole time him and I were together he did drugs and sold them and while I was pregnant he was in jail you don't need that in your life hunny" my mom said

"I no longer sell and I'm clean" he said

"People don't change Freddie" she yelled

"And you why didn't you say anything" I asked my step dad

"I knew I wasn't your real father but I still love you like you are mine Your mother and I raised you we are a family" he said

"You too did not raise me Nanny raised me all you two do is work and buy expensive gifts and think that makes you good parents I need real parents and stability not new Louis Vuitton" I cried

"You two will no longer be speaking Freddie I'm sorry" my mom said

"You can't do that I have a right to know my father" I yelled

"We are no longer discussing this with you Freddie please leave and if you come back I will have you put in jail" she said then walked up stairs with my step father

"I'm sorry I didn't want things to end like this" he said then walked out the door

I ran upstairs crying and when I opened the door Brandon hugged me

"I'm so sorry baby" he said

"I hate her" I cried

For the rest of the night I cried as Brandon held me. Maybe my father wasn't the greatest man alive but he was trying and she ruined it for him.

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