Balenciaga bag

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Over the weekend I clicked Brandon's name at least 10 times but I couldn't get myself to do it. I never cared about losing a friend before but this one hurts. I keep telling myself that I'm upset over my father turning me away and not over Brandon. I mean look at me I'm perfect and Brandon is literally trash in my eyes. Whatever him and Lindsey has it's great. Good for them I have chad. So I'm winning.

"What color are you and Chad wearing to the party" nanny asked then handed me a water bottle

"Red" I said then took a sip

"Ahh that will look lovely" she said with a smile

It was December 6th and the party is on Christmas Eve so I needed to hurry up and get my head straight before then. It was only 3:45 and I was bored so I decided to call Heather.

"Hey babes" heather said as soon as she answered

"Hey what are you doing" I asked

"At the mall with Aaliyah" she said

Ugh bitch

"Oh what are you getting" I asked

"We're shopping for the Christmas party" she said

"Let me talk to her" I heard Aaliyah say

"What to you want Aaliyah" I asked

"Can we talk later just me and you" she asked

"Why do you want round three" I snapped

"Please Aliceion" she asked again

"Fine 7:30 my house any later and I'm locking my door" I said then hung up

Hours went by and at 7:25 I heard a knock on my door

"Come in" I said

"Hey" Aaliyah said then shut the door

"Hi" I said

"Look for one I want to say I'm sorry for sleeping with chad multiple times and second I'm so sorry for speaking to you the way I did You're my best friend and I'm acting like a complete bitch so I'm really sorry" she said then sat next to me

"I just want us to go back to the way things were" she said

"You slept with my boyfriend multiple times" I barked

"I know and I regret it I'm so sorry and I know you most likely won't forgive me but I at least wanted to tell you how sorry I am" she said

"I know you have feelings for him" I said with a sigh

"I do" she said

"what you did was supper slutty and normally I'd say go you but not when it comes to the boy I'm dating" I said

"I know and I'm so sorry" she said

"I don't know what compelled you to think it was okay" I said rolling my eyes

"I thought maybe you" but then she stopped

"Maybe I what" I asked

"I thought since you liked Brandon maybe you two would break up" she confessed

"I don't like Brandon" I said with a laugh

"He's hot" Aaliyah said with a small smile

"Yeah but we were just... I don't know" I said with a sigh

"It doesn't matter I still shouldn't have done it" she said

"Do you solemnly swear it will never happen again" I asked

"I swear on my new Balenciaga bag" she said with a laugh

I know what you all are thinking "what a dumb bitch she is" well maybe I am but Aaliyah and I have been besties since forever ago so I'm willing to try and forgive her. But that doesn't mean karma won't bite her in the ass. Only time will tell what will happen next.

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