The Parents Of The Isle

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     Prince Ben's proclamation and invitations to the Isle of the Lost went out a week prior to the Villain Kids leaving for Auradon Prep. Maleficent thought this would be a great turn of events for her. She called the other parents for a meeting.
     The first to arrive was Jafar. He had a deep respect for Maleficent. They were both cunning and ruthless in their day. The only thing that differed between the two of them was the way they approached parenting their children. Jafar had always encouraged Jay. Lifted him up. When Jafar saw how Maleficent was always breaking her daughter, it sent a wave of sadness to him.
     Queen Grimhilde walked into the home of Maleficent. She kept a good distance between herself and the other two as she never quite trusted either of them. The three magick users looked each other up and down. The silent tension was thick within the air.
     Lastly, Cruella DeVil walked in, fashionably late as ever. She was dressed in one of her finer White Siberian Tiger furs with the head still at the shoulder. However, you could still tell that underneath her dress was tattered and mended. Life on the Isle Of The Lost has not been good for any of them. "Good, now that everyone is here. We'll start talking about this Auradon Invitation our children received.", Maleficent stated.

"Where is Hades? Shouldn't he be here as well?", Queen Grimhilde asked.

"He has not been a part of Mal's life in over a decade. What say should he have now?", Maleficent replied.

"Well, he is her father and a God at that. He might be able to help us plan whatever it is you're planning.", Queen Grimhilde said in almost a challenging tone.

"Well if that is the case. Maybe we should have Gaston here as well...", Maleficent said with her voice as cold as the Arctic Ice.

     That had silenced Queen Grimhilde for the time being. She eyed Jafar who had been clutching his Sorcerer Cobra Staff. "So, what is it that you propose?", he inquired.

"Our four children shall attend Auradon Prep. -", Maleficent started. Cruella started to reject but Maleficent raised her hand with her eyes flashing green in intimidation. "-they shall attend Auradon Prep, retrieve the Wand of the Fairy Godmother, and break the barrier of the Isle so that we as well as all the other Villains can come forth and wreak vengeance upon those who imprisoned us!", she monologued.

     The other three looked at each other in silence. They knew that this might be one of the only ways to ensure their survival. With that they paused and nodded in approval of Maleficent's plan. "Excellent! With what little time, we have to prep the kids without them knowing.", Maleficent continued.

"Why without them knowing?", Cruella asked.

"If they know they are going. They'll have more time to rebel against it, like all teenagers do.", Maleficent explained. "So, I will go over with Mal how to use my spellbook & what she is capable of. Jafar, I need Jay to hone his skills in theft. It is vital that we have a master thief able to steal the wand under any circumstances. Evie shall work on her feminine charms so that she can be a valuable have your assignments!", Maleficent ordered.

"What about my Carlos? What do you want him to work on?", Cruella asked.

"I want you to break him. Break him and mold him into the perfect henchman so that any order that Mal or even the others gives him that he will follow without even thinking about it. Got it?", Maleficent answered. With that Cruella nodded.

     The three of them left Maleficent's home and started their training of their children. Evie was given more lessons on how to seduce men. How to use that seduction to manipulate them to do her bidding. She had been practicing on LeFou Deux and Rick Ratcliffe. Primarily to steal anything remotely nice on the Isle. Mal was spending quality time with her mother. Learning about spells and magick. She was for once in her life happy that her mother was paying attention to her and encouraging her to be great at this sort of stuff. They discussed what they would do one day if they got off the Isle of the Lost. Jay had kept stealing for his dad. Day and night. Carlos on the other hand, well, his fate was too extreme for words...

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