Operation - Get These Cookies

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     The Core Four gathered in the kitchen of Auradon Prep. They made the cookie dough and read through the magical ingredients needed, including a tear driven by sadness. Carlos was ready to volunteer his own. "How are we supposed to get Tears Of Sorrow?", Mal said frustrated.

"Maybe it's a sign.", Carlos said.

"What?", Mal responded.

"Well, we need a tear of sorrow. Let's face it. None of us are capable of producing it. Auradon has been really great to us in these last few days than our parents were ever to us. Maybe, we call it quits and live out a normal life. Leave Ben alone, leave the Wand alone, leave Auradon alone.", Carlos said his voice firm but had a little shake to it.

     Before Mal could even respond to Carlos, Lonnie had surprised everyone by sneaking in. Jay looked away as she greeted everyone. "So you guys are making cookies?", Lonnie asked.

"Yeah, we had a craving for some homemade cookies.", Evie explained.

"Nice. I get that. I miss when my mom would make me cookies.", Lonnie said.

"Your mom made you cookies?", Carlos asked.

"Yeah, your guys' parents never did?", Lonnie responded. The four teens just shook their heads no.

"Oh...I thought everyone had parents that did stuff like that for them.", she continued.

Everyone grew silent. When they saw Lonnie's eyes water, Mal extended a hand to catch her tear and add it to the mixture. She played it off nonchalantly. "Okay, I gotta go. However, I just wanted to say that I am sorry to you all.", Lonnie said.

"For what?", Evie asked.

"Well, when you all got here, I felt that you guys were just your parents. All bad. However, these last few days proved me wrong and you guys are pretty good.", Lonnie said as Jay finally looked her in the eyes.

"Thanks Lonnie.", Jay said.

"Thank you for proving me wrong.", she smiled and walked out.

They finished their baking and set forth with the plan. Mal would be at Ben's locker to deliver the cookies. Jay would make sure to bump into Ben and that way he sees Mal first when she helps him up. Carlos and Evie will run distraction for Audrey or anyone else getting Ben's attention. With that they all went to their rooms to get ready for the plan.
     In the boys room, they started getting ready for bed. Jay nudged Carlos. "What got into you today with Mal?", he asked.

"I don't know. I snapped.", Carlos answered.

"Well, what caused it? Listen, you can talk to me bro.", Jay tried in his most comforting voice.

"Can I though...bro?", Carlos said emphasizing the word bro.

"What do you mean by that?", Jay asked.

"You have a loving dad. You're probably the luckiest when it comes to us Villain Kids because your dad genuinely cares for you. However you know how my mom is and...what she's done.", Carlos said kind of shaking.

"You don't mess stuff up here.", Jay said.

"Yeah, mischief is one thing. Creating the Isle of the Lost on a bigger scale is another.", Carlos said.

"Listen, why don't you sit out of the plan tomorrow?", Jay suggested.

"Mal will get pissed.", Carlos said.

"I'll deal with her. You deal with you.", Jay said hugging the smaller boy.

"So, what was that with Lonnie?", Carlos asked wanting to change the subject badly.

"Oh, that? Well, I laid some of my moves on her and she rejected me. Mostly because I was a Villain Kid.", Jay explained.

"So now what?", Carlos asked.

"What do you mean now what?", Jay said confused.

"She apologizes to us. To you mostly. You have another shot.", Carlos said.

"I don't think I will take it.", Jay said. "Rather not go through that again."

     In the girls room, Evie was brushing her hair out as Mal went through her notebook detailing their plan of action. "Mal, we need to talk.", Evie said.

"What's wrong?", Mal said showing actual concern.

"Well, what happens if tomorrow doesn't go according to plan? What if we fail altogether?", Evie lead.

"It'll go off without a hitch.", Mal said not taking no for an answer. "Although Carlos today proved he could go rogue. We might have to do something about that."

"Like what?", Evie said.

"I'm not sure.", Mal wasn't sure what to do. At least with Evie being her best friend she wouldn't mind allowing her to know that sometimes she hated leading.

"Well, just remember that he is our friend. He is one of us.", Evie said.

     They went to bed. All four of the kids felt conflicting emotions about everything they came here to do. They want to make their parents proud but at the same time, they are starting to enjoy their lives in Auradon.
     Ben was going to bed as well. He noticed he was staying up later and later each night. He decided to text Audrey.

"Hey, I need to talk to you in the morning at the Courtyard. Meet me before classes start."

     With that, Ben went to sleep. Nervous about what tomorrow might bring.

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