Family Day

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It was Family Day at Auradon Prep. Everyone's parents were coming to visit the school and there were special performances and Tourney Game to entertain everyone. Everyone but the VK's.
They gathered for breakfast to see each other as they were their own family at this point. Mal and Evie sat opposite of Carlos and Jay. Carlos stared daggers into Mal. Mal caught them every so often. "Carlos...", Mal spoke up finally.

"What?", Carlos replied curtly.

"I just wanna say tha-", Mal started to say.

"Hey guys! Happy Family Day.", Ben greeted brightly.

"Hey Ben.", Mal greeted back.

"So you guys probably have seen them before but these are my parents.", Ben introduced.

"Your majesties.", Evie bowed her head.

"Thank you all.", King Adam bowed back.

"So you must be Mal and this must be Carlos.", Queen Belle said, pointing at the two. "Ben talks about you two ALL the time.", she explained.

"Oh...", Carlos responded.

"Mom...they don't wanna be bored. Anyways, we wanted to tell you guys the great news.", Ben said.

"What great news?", Mal asked.

"Well, Fairy Godmother is facilitating a video call with your parents later. We were able to set it up.", Ben answered.

"Oh wow.", Jay smiled. He was the only one smiling.

As the three of them started to leave the VK's alone, Belle hurried over to Carlos to give him an extra big hug as Ben gave Mal a hug. Jay was still grinning. "Guys! We get to see our parents! This is great.", Jay said.

"Great for you...I mean my mom is going to be so disappointed when she sees I have no Prince and instead like...", she started to say but trailed off.

"Like who?", Mal asked. Evie was flabbergasted. "Never mind. We'll put a pin in that for later.", Mal said.

"I think I know who...", Carlos teased.

"Anyways, Evie I share your sentiment. Guys. I don't know if I can go through with the plan. I don't know how to tell my mother.", Mal explained.

"Really?", Carlos' eyes lite up.

"Yeah...I just am starting to like this place. The Fairy Godmother wants to work with me on my magick so I can use it to it's full potential and I have to find a way to reverse the Love Potion without anyone realizing what I'm doing.", Mal said as she looked at Carlos with apologetic eyes. He just nodded in response. "Phew! I'm glad he is accepting that apology.", Evie thought.

"Yeah...I just needed to stop being so self absorbed...", Mal admitted.

"Wow...Fairy Godmother really bas been rubbing off on you.", Evie thought.

"Maybe...", Mal responded.

The Core Four and Dude gathered in the library in front of a television. Fairy Godmother was excited to see them and for the call with their parents. She turned it on to see Maleficent up close to the screen. "I don't see anything. I don't hear anything. God I hate electronics.", she groaned.

"Mother?", Mal called out as the screen showed the kids with Fairy Godmother.

"Oh! Evie! It's mommy!", Queen Grimhilde exclaimed. Evie silently waiving back.

"Jay! My boy! I miss and love you so much.", Jafar yelled out to Jay leaving him with a grin.

"Mal...", Maleficent silenced the other two with her hands. "When will I see you my darling?", she asked coyly.

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