Good Boy

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     After the second day of school, Carlos and Ben met on the Tourney Field. Ben looked forward to this because of how disinterested in this practice Audrey was so Ben had gotten a breather from her.
     Carlos drudged up the field. Ben greeted him with his megawatt smile. It was truly infectious. Carlos couldn't help but feel his mood get better just by seeing Ben. He found himself getting lost in those blue eyes. "Hey Carlos? Would you like to get started?", Ben asked with a slight chuckle.

"Yes!", Carlos answered as he snapped out of his trance.

"Okay, we're going to start with some basic drills. I think with your smaller body, you'll probably be really good at sprinting.", Ben analyzed.

     Carlos blushed at Ben as he talked about his body. He did the drills and ended with sprints. Ben was correct, Carlos was really good at sprints. Now Ben figured he would be able to keep Carlos on the team once he showed the Coach this.
There was a rustling of grass behind Carlos. Then the sound of barking. Carlos looked behind him to see a dog. He bolted from where he was and ran as fast as his legs could take him. He zoomed past Ben who marveled at the time he made. Then he noticed that Carlos was running scared and chased after them.
Carlos climbed the trees as the dog chased after him. He screamed for Ben to save him. As Ben approached he noticed Carlos was shaking as he held onto the tree and tears were rolling down his cheeks. "Ben! This thing is a killer! It's a rabid pack animal!", Carlos yelled.

"Who told you that?", Ben said picking the dog up.

"My mother...", Carlos responded.

"Cruella?", Ben asked.

"What are you doing?! He is going to rip your throat out!", Carlos screamed in terror.

"You've never met a dog before have you?", Ben asked again.

"Of course not...", Carlos answered.

     Ben extended out a hand to Carlos. The smaller boy was afraid but trusted Ben so he reached out for the hand. Ben guided him close. "It's okay...", Ben reassured him. Ben's hand lead Carlos' to the dog named Dude. He helped him pet him until he transferred Dude into Carlos' arms. "You're a good boy, aren't you?", Carlos said with a faint smile. There was still a shakiness to him with the tear stains still visible.

"You Guys must've had it pretty rough on the Isle...", Ben said with an inflection of sadness to his voice.

"Let's just say it wasn't all belly rubs.", Carlos replied.

"Good Boy...", Ben said placing a hand on Carlos' shoulder slightly stroking it. "I mean! Good Runner. You're really fast. Tell you what, I'll leave you two to get to know each other and you come back when you're ready...", Ben offered.

     As Ben began to walked away, he felt a newfound warmth inside him. "Ben!", Carlos called out. Ben turned around to look the boy in the eyes. "Please stay...", Carlos requested with a smile. Ben nodded to stay with him...

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