Chapter 3

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"I'll talk to you guys later." I told my best friends who are currently not speaking to each other.

I looked between the two of them, waiting for a response. They blew up on each other at the mall, causing Kristen to walk away from us until we met back up at the car.

"Thanks for the ride, Cammie. I'll come by tomorrow if that's okay." Hayden spoke from the back seat.

"Yeah that's fine. Will I see you tomorrow?" I asked Kristen, who was mindlessly tapping away at her phone.

"She'll be there." Hayden answered for her as he got out the car. His tall frame walked over to the front door, leaving us with the bags.

"Do you need any help with the bags. . ." I asked, subtly tapping the wheel with my fingers. I was just trying to start a conversation, but I knew it was useless with her in this state.

"Nope. I'll see you tomorrow." She said with a small smile, although it wasn't that genuine. I awkwardly hug her due to the compartment in between us. She hops out and tried to grab all ten bags in the back seat.

I sighed at her attempt and hopped out the car to help her. Before I can close the door behind me, Hayden walked out clad in black sweatpants and earbuds.

He walks around Kristen and silently grabbed the remaining six bags. He bobs his head along to whatever song he's listening to, before he disappeared back into the house.

"He's so bipolar." Kristen mumbled while closing the back door.

"He just cares, and you like it." I countered with a smirk as we walked towards the front door.

"No, I don't." She lied. "See you tomorrow."

I get back into my car and back out their driveway, rolling the windows down in the process. I turn the radio up as I let the wind blow into my dark brown hair.

I pulled into my driveway after stopping to get a milkshake. I grabbed the two bags from the back and hopped out the car. It was then that I noticed the big moving truck next door.

I tried to look for my new neighbors, but there was no sign of them. I made eye contact with two of the workers though. I awkwardly smiled while throwing my hand up.

"Hello!" I called out to them, their response a simple nod and smile. I unlocked the door while taking a sip of the vanilla shake. For it to be September soon, it's very hot. I pushed the door closed with my backside while placing my bags down.

I headed towards the kitchen to grab a few water bottles for the movers. I had opened the fridge and grabbed two bottles when my phone started to go off. I grabbed it out my back pocket and answered.

"Hey, baby."

"Hey, I haven't seen you in so long." Damon exaggerated into the phone.

"We just say each other yesterday."

"But that was like forever ago. I need to see your face at least three times a day, just so I can be reminded how lucky I am."

"Really? I barely like seeing you once a day." I joked while retrieving four more water bottles.

"Wow. I'll remember that next time I'm over. If I remember right, you could barely stop looking at my-"

"Okay, okay. . ." I hurriedly say, my cheeks getting hot.

"Mmh, that's what I thought. What're you doing? You sound busy."

"I just got home from dropping the twins off. I'm about to hand some water to the moving people next door. Oh, I don't think I told you, but somebody finally moved in next door." I explained, surprising myself with how excited I sound.

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