Chapter 16

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It was no surprise to me that we completely changed our plans the second we got downtown. Now, sitting inside the lively cafe, I decided to ask their opinion on the whole Grayson-Damon situation.

"So, I gotta question." I muttered while twirling my spoon in the small cup of ice cream. Sipping her iced coffee, Adeline nodded her head for me to continue.

"What's up?" Hayden asked, his brown eyes pouring into mine as if he was subtly reading me. Turning away from his gaze, I focused my attention on the silky dessert in the cup.

"Okay, so, be honest. Do you guys like Grayson?"

Looking up, Adeline's eyebrows were pushed together, confusion clearly written across her face, while Hayden jutted out his bottom lip and nodded.

"Yeah, he's cool. Cole likes him, too." Adeline replied while setting her coffee down. "Why do you ask?"

"Cause Damon doesn't like him." Hayden voiced in a 'matter-of-fact' like tone.

Adeline and I both looked at him with confused faces, although my confusion was stringing from the fact he knew that.

"Really? I mean, I guess-"

"How did you know?" I curiously interjected. "Sorry, Adeline, but how did you know it was about Damon?"

Hayden cocked an eyebrow up at me while nonchalantly shrugging. I slapped his forearm, hinting at him to explain himself.

"First off, don't hit me." He began, making me roll my. "Secondly, I was standing right there, and not to mention I talked to him."

"So, he doesn't like Grayson?" Adeline chirped in, her focus bouncing between the two of us.

Hayden crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair, his forehead creasing and eyes squinting like he was deep in thought. "It's more so the fact he doesn't like him around Cameron."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I hotly asked, placing my forearms on the round table. "I hang out with all you guys, so don't give me some bullshit answer about him being a guy."

"Yeah, I get that. He just feels Grayson spends a lot of time with you. . . without everybody else around."

I continued to look dead in his eyes, my narrowed eyes showing my confusion and frustration. "He's my neighbor, of course I see him often. Not to mention, he's kinda a friend of ours now."

"Look, all I know is what he told me. He's not upset or anything with you-"

"And he has no reason to be." I interrupted once again. Adeline reached over and rubbed my back, an attempt to make sure I don't go overboard in this cafe.

"He feels Grayson could possibly want something more than a friendship with you. That's what he told me." Pulling his hood slightly over his head, Hayden grabbed the trash from off the table and walked over to the trash can.

"Hey," Adeline softly spoke while placing her hand on mine. "Just talk to him. You know he'll talk if you really want him to."

I gave an emotionless grin as we stood from our seats. Throwing the cup in the trash, I pushed past the door and walked over to the passenger side of Hayden's car.

"Don't break my handle. I will hurt you." Hayden playfully threatened while unlocking the car.

I stuck my tongue out at while slipping into the car, immediately connecting my phone to the aux cord. Pulling out of the parking lot, I turned the volume up so Tupac's voice was booming in my ears.

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