Chapter 4

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"How excited are you for school to start back up?" My mom asked while clasping her hands together.

"Yeah, excited is not the word I would use, Mom. I'll be excited to move out after this year."

"I don't understand how you both grew up so fast. At least you didn't attempt to move out in eighth grade. You have no idea what kind of pain your brother was." She joked while laughing at the memory.

I smile while carrying my plate to the sink. "Oh, guess what?"

"You're pregnant?" She nonchalantly responded, making me furrow my brows.

"No." I boredly said. "You know, that shouldn't be your first guess every time I say something. Most mother's don't want a daughter that's a teen mom."

"Oh, trust me," She began while standing from the chair, "I don't want you to be one. I'm just waiting for the day I say that and it's actually true."

"Funny." I sarcastically said. "Anyway, I met the neighbors today."

"Oh, that's where you were off to. I was surprised to see your phone on the counter and not shoved in your face."

I scoffed at the multiple shots being fired at me. "First of all, it's not in my face all the time. Secondly, they're really nice and you should go over there."

I clear my throat when she doesn't move from the sink. She looks over her shoulder at me, her brows drawn together. "What? You meant go over now?"

"Yeah. The dishes will be there when you come back." I said while walking out the kitchen.

"They wouldn't be here if a certain girl cleaned them." She called back, making me stop in my tracks. I hear her light footsteps come near as she hands me a cup and wet rag. "I'll be back."

I groaned just as the front door closes. Thankfully, all that was left were the utensils and two cups. I finished the task quickly and made my way upstairs.

I walked into my room and grabbed a red tank top with matching shorts, and my phone. I proudly walked into Derek's room, unintentionally mimicking Hayden's movements from earlier.

I turned the bathroom light on and laughed at the cleaning products left on the counter. I took my phone out and sent a message to Hayden—in our group chat.

[From: Me] Hayden is so sweet!!! He cleaned the bathroom after his little incident today 😂

[From: Kristen 🤭💜] lmaoooo
[From: Kristen 🤭💜] tell them about your little friend, hay 😂

[Ty 🤙🏽:] oh shit 😂😂🍤

I laughed to myself as I read the messages coming in. I went to my playlist and clicked on whatever song that was previously being played. Drake's voice filled the bathroom as turned the volume up.

I started to sing along to the song as I removed my jeans and tank top. I stepped out my underwear and turned the shower on. The mirror began to fog, meaning it was hot enough. My phone kept buzzing, so I checked it before actually getting in the glass box of a shower.

Man, I love his shower.

[Hay Hay 💙😘:] fuck. you.🖕🏽

[Ty 🤙🏽:] sounds like you wish Derek would😂

[Baby ❤️:] Somebody add Derek 😭

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