Chapter 5

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"So let me get this straight," Adeline began while sitting down at her desk. Kristen rolled her eyes again while obnoxiously running her hands down her face.

"What could you possibly be confused about? All you have to do is come pick me up tomorrow, what's the problem?" She muttered from behind her hands. I shook my head slowly as I slipped my black vans on and Adeline continued braiding her hair.

"I thought you hated driving with me," Adeline replied while looking back at us in the small vanity mirror, which was cluttered with multiple Polaroids and award ribbons. She turned around fully in the chair, her chin resting on top of her hand which gripped the top railing. "Apparently I drive too slow."

"It's not my fault you drive like a grandma, but the last thing I need is to be stuck in the car with my idiotic brother and Tyler. And so help me God if Damon decides he wants to tag along," Kristen breathed while sitting up.

"Don't talk about my man like that," I interjected while standing up from the plushy bean bag. She looked at me with bored eyes before jumping up and walking slyly over to Adeline.

"Please Addy, I swear I won't ask for another thing for the rest of the day."

She looked up into her hazel eyes with a blank expression. "You do realize you're about to leave, right?"

"Yeah, exactly," Kristen said before smiling and dipping down to hug Adeline once she caved in to her begging. Adeline sighed as she maneuvered her arms around to hug her back. "Love you!"

"Yeah, I love you too. Do I need to get you too?" She asked as her deep, blue eyes locked on mine, awaiting an answer.

"No, I'll drive," I said while running a hand through my hair. She replied with a small smile and got up from the chair, pulling down her ridden up skirt in the process. I slung my small purse across my body before walking over to them. "Okay, I'm out. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Bye, see you tomorrow." Adeline sang as she wrapped her nimble arms around my shoulders.

"Ooh, can I get a ride? I really don't feel like hearing 'you shouldn't be out this late before the first day of school'." Kristen said, quoting her parents. I stifled a laugh as I looked at her grab her bag.

"I thought you weren't asking anything else for the rest of the night?" Adeline stated while walking over to her closet.

"No, I said I wouldn't ask you anything for the rest of the night," she corrected while pointing at Adeline's back. "See you tomorrow!" She yelled as she walked out of the room and down the hall.


"I'm home!" I called out while locking the door. I could hear water running from the kitchen, so I walked in there, being I heard no reply. "Hey, Mo—oh, hi, Mrs. Froyer."

I was shocked to see her standing in my kitchen. Her hair was, again, pulled into a tight bun and her white blazer rested on the back of the chair. They both looked over at me and placed their wine filled glasses down on the counter, making me question why she was over here even more.

"Cameron, it's good to see you again." She said while walking over to my average frame, her sleek black heels clinking against the tile floor.

"Nice to see you, too." I replied while giving her a welcoming hug.

"Sorry, I can't stay any longer, but I should probably get back home with the first day being tomorrow and everything." She said while pulling away from me, but I think her words were more directed towards my mom.

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