Chapter 10

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"So," Maria interrupts, walking over to the intricate coffee maker near her desk. "How long were things like that between you all?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, slightly eyeing the brown liquid dripping into the white porcelain mug. Setting the pillow from my lap onto the cushion, I stand and walk barefoot over to her.

"With you, Grayson, and your friends. I feel a friendship of some kind was brewing, but based on how you react, clearly it took a turn. So, I'm wondering how long did it take for it to turn bad." She voices while handing me the hot mug. Pointing to her left, she directs me to the sugar packets resting in the small, glass bowls.

"Oh," I mumble while ripping the thin packet open. "Everything was fine for a while, I guess."

"Yes, but red flags had to start somewhere. When do you feel things started to shift, or become awkward around Grayson?" She questions, while taking a sip of her black coffee.

I bring the mug to my lips, the hot liquid soothing my dry throat, as I absentmindedly stare at her. "Uhm," I begin, as I slowly bring myself by to the real world, "I'm n-not really sure."

Silence engulfs us, the only sound being the light sips of our drink. Placing her now empty mug down, Maria walks over to one of the wall length windows constructing her office, peering out.

I watch her curiously, before she calls me over with the wave of her hand. I sit the mug down beside hers and slowly stride over. Looking through the sheet of glass, the mid morning sun heating my skin, I see multiple cars and people on the street.

"How long have you lived here, Cameron?" She asks without looking at me. Glancing over at her repeatedly, I finally glue my eyes on the world below me.

"All my life."

She hums in response, before turning her body towards mine, making me instinctively do the same.

"I want you to close your eyes."After getting over my confusion, I close my eyes and wait for her next instruction. "Now, I want you to think about this town. Any and everything you can dig out of your brain."

"I-I don't understand." I speak, hesitantly opening my eyes.

"No, no, keep them closed." Maria quickly, yet calmly, urges. "Sometimes, we see the world around us without actually looking at it. Shutting down your sense of sight allows your other senses to be heightened, thus making your memory work a bit harder."

I nod my head as she continues to explain her method.

"So, right now, I want you to think about this town—from when you grew up to now. Give me a sense of what it was like. In the process, you'll hopefully find yourself remembering things you didn't even think you knew."

That's kinda hard, when all I see are the bad things when I close my eyes.

"I don't know, Maria." I mutter, opening my eyes and walking back over towards the couch. "I've blanked out a lot, and I mean a lot, of things from my past. I-I just. . . I just can't go back there. Not right now."

She doesn't waste any time to come over to where I am. "Okay, it's okay. But, think back to before things started to turn weird. What was the time. . . weather. . . something along those lines at least."

"Um," I begin while letting go of a heavy breath. "Maybe like end of September, early October. I'm really not sure-"

"Yes you are. You know it, I know you do. I need you to break past that wall you built up and allow those thoughts to come back."

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