episode 5

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Getting to the restaurant we just booked our orders and a minute later the waiter came with our orders.
"So how far are you? Asked mum eating her salad.
"3weeks 2days".
"Are you nervous about this all?
"Yeah mum, I am. It's normal isn't it?
"Yeah it is". 'You know when I first got pregnant for you I was in college back then, My mum suggested I abort  you cause I was just 20 then.  I didn't get to tell your dad cause he left before I found out. When I went in search for him I couldn't get him on phone. I was told he changed his number.
"Granny did? I asked shocked.
"Yeah. Cause she couldn't afford to take care of the whole family, let alone sending funds to me to raise you. So I left home and began searching for a job. It was in the modeling agency that I met your dad  once again. By then I was just 8months gone. At first he thought I had being sleeping around. We got married thereafter and a month after our wedding you came in .
"Wow!!. Mum this is so touching I said holding her palm.
"So it's your turn to teach and guide your child. I'm here if you need any help with that.
"Thanks mum".
"Ooh! you're welcome. She replied drinking her water.
"So mum I kinda spoke to Michael and I'm not sure about what the future has install for me"
"What do you mean honey? Asked mum dropping her cutleries.
"He's cool about it all, but I'm not sure he'd be able to love me I finally bluttered out.
"What about my grandchild. Is he gonna feel that coercion or what?
"He said he'd support the child upbringing mum". But I hate him so much that I don't want him to be part of my child's life.
"He can't keep going around getting me more angry and broken as I am. I cried out as I watched my mum come sit beside me as she began to calm me abit.
It's all gonna be fine honey.

After  the lunch I decided to stop by the supermarket to get some fresh vegetables, and also Evian pizza.
Going through the vegetables section I picked some cucumbers, cabbages, carrot, onion, kidney beans, broccoli, spinach, pepper, tomatoes and chicken.
Heading to the breakfast sections I picked a box of cornflakes, peanut butter, jam and a bottle of milk.
Walking to the laundry section I picked up some soaps, and a few of my all purpose disinfectants before moving over to the counter to pay for the items.
Giving Evian a call he soon picks on the first wring.
"So how did it go? He asked teasingly.
"Not so good partner. And also he's cool about it. But loving me I'm not sure.
Bumped into Sophie too.
Sophie kidman?
"Yeah. "I think they've got something between them"
"You've got to be kidding me" . Shouted Evian
"I told mum about it also and she's behind me. So I got no worries as long as I have my family and the people I care most around me.
"But again Emma. What about the media. They're gonna eventually know you're pregnant.
"Yeah about that care to fly with me over to Florida?
"Why are we going to Florida?
"I wanna go cool off abit. And also I'm in the mood to take tons of pictures now my stomach isn't out to prove them wrong.
"Well that sounds great. But I guess we can do that here. And concerning our high status I guess it's time we let it out.
"And also I've got a plan that'll have your baby daddy running back to you".
"Exactly!!. "I'll give you every detail once I'm at your house.
'Yeah I'd be waiting, Preparing something great too. Pizza is also available.
"I won't miss that for the world. Coming over, besides your soup was helpful.
"I told yah. With that he cuts the line.
Walking outside with my bags I soon turn the car toward the road heading for home.

"Mum do you mind coming over for dinner?
"Yes hunny. I'd be there at six.
"Yeah I'd be waiting"I replied as I went to take the chicken out of the grill.
Now it was looking all crispy and golden brown in colour. Looking through the fridge I soon Grab  the  spicy intalian sauce out and just place them on the table.
The knock at the door has me dashing to go see who it was.
Luckily it was Evian and mum.
"Hey sweetie". Said mum hugging me.
"Hey momma". I replied kissing her on the chin.
Evian hands me a bouquet of flowers.
"Thanks partner" I replied hugging him as I locked the door behind me.
"Something smells so good in here" said mum taking her seat on the table.
"It's Emma recipe" said Evian Rolling up his sleeves.
We said a short prayer and thereafter began to eat.
Mum was rather immpressed at my cooking skills.
We later sat over with wine while I just drank my warm milk.
We all talked about our childhood days, and work.
We told mum of our decision to come in the big picture and she was happy about it all.
Mum had my escortees sent to my apartment and before Tuesday my identity came like a shock to everyone.
I and Evian were on every magazine.
Stepping outside became a problem. I had to go with escortees everywhere I went.
A month passed and still I didn't get any reply from Michael.
By then. I was 2months and 7weeks already. I regularly went to the hospital for checkup with Evian and mum.

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