episode 8

16 1 0

G E T T I N G  B A C K
Knocking lightly  the door is soon opened by Michael who just shuts it when I'm in.
Sitting on his bed he also stands staring at me.
Patting the bed he soon sit close to me.
I'd thought about him and the silent treatment I had against him for the past one month. Not able to listen to his funny jokes, dance, smile and being wrapped in his arms did leave me empty.
I've missed everything about this crazy boyfriend of mine.
We sat down staring at each other for approximately 1hour.
Look im_ we both began.
I giggle so does he.
You go first he finally said still smiling.
So I'm kinda sorry about what has transpired between us within the past one month. I didn't mean to go through your personal stuff, it's just that I got to curious. Am sorry for also shutting you out" I said taking hold of his palm.
I'm really so____
He immediately seals my lips with a deep passionate kiss which left my eyes almost bulging out of their socket. I got to admit I missed this side of him.
Finally breaking the kiss he looks me right in the eyes and kneels on one feet.
Taking my palm into his he smooths them slowly and also sending goosebumps up my body.
"Emma Thompson right from the day I met you at the inauguration party I fell in love with you. "I got to admit I had being dying to tell you how I felt about you during college. "I just didn't know how to approach you. "I became the high school player cause I wanted to get you to notice me". "But you were too occupied to even notice me. "I started stalking you every moment of my life until at last I got you that night".
"And thankful I wanted to have you all to myself so I did what I had to do".
"I was Happy when you came and disclosed about being pregnant with our child. "Emma ever since then I've grown to love you more. "So today I'm promising you that I'd be here with you no matter what happens. "Emma Thompson will you do me the honour by accepting this little token of my love for you? With that he opens a small box and brings out a diamond ring. He soon reaches for my finger and slides them in.
I had tears in my eyes as I could not believe what was happening right now.
"Yes! "yes! I'd marry you "Michael Angelo" I replied running into his arms crying. He just wraps me In a big hug kissing all over my face before finally kissing me deeply.

Finally lying face to face on the bed I'm still left staring at Michael who's just asleep after our love making session.
The bead of sweat on his forehead were still visible as I tucked the loose strand of hair behind his ear. He did move a little as he just smiled making my heart melt in joy.
Standing up from bed I slowly try to get up but find his arm round my waist. Carefully untangling myself I put on my shorts and his t-shirt and just head downstairs.
Opening the fridge I pour myself a glass of water and sit down still admiring my ring.
I just couldn't wait to tell mum.
Snapping my finger I soon posted it online and within two minutes 2000 views and comments.
Smiling to myself I switched off my phone and slowly went upstairs.
Getting to the room I  found him wide awake and just staring at me.
"What? I asked rather shy.
"This" he showed me a pic I just posted online.
Climbing into bed he soon draws me close placing his hand on my baby bump which was now 8months gone.
Just then I got a kick and whimpered In pain clutching my stomach.
Michael soon gets nervous as he breaks the hug getting on his knees as he tried helping me to stand.
"What's wrong Emma? Should I call the doctor?, Mum , Evian?
"No! no! Michael,The baby just kicked. I replied placing his hand on the same spot.
He starts smiling and decided to put his ear where the baby was kicking from. They kept on kicking as I could hear him giggle out loud.
Finally resting his head on my lap he looks at me and all I can see now is his beautiful smile. His   blue eyes and lots of emotions In them.

The next morning we woke up like two dovey birds. Had our bath together and I got to admit sex in the shower did feel good for a pregnant lady.
I called mum and she was coming over as we were going out tonight to go celebrate.
Evian was shocked too but also Happy I got my baby daddy all to myself.
In the evening We did some walking round the neighborhood with eager fans taking pictures whenever we called for them.
Journalist had a short interview with I and Michael concerning our marriage.
I was just the happiest girl on earth.
Finally by 6:oopm
Everyone was seated round table with some other guest  seated and watching us. It was an onair celebration as it was on every channel.
Throughout the entire dinner Michael held my hands and atimes while I was trying to say something he kept running his finger down my thighs.
I couldn't help but laugh at some point and try to slap his hand off.
Pointing him a serious look he soon smiles back.

Finally after dinner I excuse myself to go use the bathroom and mistakenly stumbled on Sofie. She had her back turned as I could not see her face. Just soft whimpers coming out.
Finally getting to her I touch her sending her almost jumping up the wall.
Just then I also notice her bulging stomach.
She envelopes me in a tight hug crying.
She also apologizes to me about her mistake with Michael and I tell her I've forgiven her. She looks surprised at first but kept on thanking me.
I assure her everything is going to be alright and that's when she reveals to me how it all happened. I did feel sorry for her and decided I'd be helping her out as long as she stays away from trouble.

Just as we were about to step out we both bumped into Michael who was looking all nervous. At seeing me he immediately hugs me but frowns at seeing Sofie.
I explain everything to him and he calms down. He also apologizes to Sofie and promise to help her through her hard times.
So it turned out she got pregnant for her college sweetheart Damian.
But unfortunately he wasn't much into her and requested she goes for an abortion.
He was getting married to the love of his life Kiara Sanders.

Finally Thursday came as I , Michael and Evian all went to the shopping mall to pick a few items.
Shopping made me all tired as I sat on the big sofa looking at Michael who was busy pouring me a glass of orange juice.
He soon hands me the glass of juice before coming to sit close to me.
Turning on the television we sat watching through the channels he was switching to.

Ooh ooh , ooh ,ooh , ooh ooh ooh.😊😊😊. Who's ready for the next episode?
Well it coming right up.

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