Running in Circles

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"Hello, Malia. Good to have you back."

"I can't be back." That was my first words and a pale blonde man was my first sight, he smiled at me. There was something charming and disturbing about his smile. But I don't trust anyone who sucks blood out of human beings.

I scanned my surroundings. My injury wasn't that serious, so I wonder what made me pass out. I sat up the medical bed with the partition curtains slide to the side. "There was a girl with me, Bella, Where is she?"

"Ahh. She went home, she seemed traumatized by whatever happened to you."

"I need to talk to her." I hopped down ready to walk out but the doctor held me.

"Now, Malia, that wouldn't be wise. You'll only put all of us in danger." The smile was gone. He knows. He is after all a vampire. I don't trust him, but he was nice enough to patch me up.

"Carlisle, don't scare the wolf." It was Edward, he steps in. His eyes was fixed at me, and I stared at him frustrated what was he trying to do. Was he trying to get inside my head again? He looks just as frustrated as me, but I know he got something.

"A vampire's venom got into your wound, you're lucky Bella was there." Or was I?

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to make sure you're alright."

"I don't need your help." I scoffed at him. The memory was still fresh, he had told me to leave Forks, and I will. He doesn't need to pretend to care for a wolf, it just looks pathetic.

I saw Billy and Jacob just outside from the window. He saw them too and there was a bit of angst radiating from him that time as he stood close to me.

"Clearly you don't." He tried to say in a polite manner with a struggle.

Edward said Bella called them before leaving. They don't look happy, making their way in, Billy had his eyes at Carlisle. Jacob seemed to have easen up on me but I felt the tension between him and Edward.

"Lets get you home." Jacob throws me a spare jacket with his eyes glaring at Edward with disgust.

I was waiting for the scolding, lectures, or any rage from Billy, but he drove quietly. Maybe it was because of Jacob.

"Are you crazy? What were you doing at Port Angeles?" Jacob started.

"Jake, not now." Billy said.

"You should've just slept it off." Jacob said lastly and he rested his arm on the opened car window.

When we got to the reservation, everyone I know was there waiting. Of course Sam was disappointed at me for running away, but the rest was happy to see me back. Sue and Emily rushed to hug me, Jared and Paul stood near but didn't really go for a hug, I saw in their eyes they were a bit worried. Embry and Quil were waiting for Jacob but smiled as they saw me.


Edward saw it. One of the vampires they had encountered last night had killed some teenagers in Port Angeles. He also saw how the killer had warned Malia.

"Are they friends? Ally?" Carlisle asks him.

"Its hard to tell. They don't seem to have a lot of history together. Or I just can't find it."

"You mean like how you can't read Bella's thoughts?"

"No. I can read the wolf's thoughts, there's just too much chaos in it. I'll have to keep a closer eye on her."


Bella's perspective.

I still don't understand what I saw. She had eyes like, like, a wolf or something. And the way those guys backed up, they were scared of her. If only Carlisle let me wait until she got up I would've gotten the answers to my questions. But the Cullens hide so much from me. From Edward getting to me fast and stopping the car from crushing me, and now Malia. I think I'm going crazy.

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