The Most Exciting Game

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I got invited by the Cullens for their baseball game. But all I could ever think was what Malia said. Still I trust Edward. He would never hurt me.

"Dad, uhm. Edward wants to meet you." He was casually cleaning up a shotgun. A very bad time for the guy I like to meet my dad for the first time.


"He's right outside."

"Alright. Send him in." He clicks his gun.

"Mr. Swan. I'd like to personally ask you if Bella could spend this afternoon with me and my family. We're going baseball."

"Baseball? You?" Charlie shoot a look of surprise at me. "Alright then."

Edward didn't need to be able to read my mind, he noticed it right away.

"What is it?"

"I went to Malia yesterday. And maybe I shouldn't have." He didn't say a word, he knew what had happened by the look on my face.

I watched as they huddled over the field with the lightning and thunder forming above them. It was a weird time to play baseball, I think. Although I know they don't want to be seen in sunlight, but we're in the field alone.

"It's time!" Alice said excitedly as she quickly got far and readied herself to give the perfect throw.

As soon as the ball was thrown by Alice and it touches Rosalie's bat, it made perfect sense. It was a cover up sound for that loud clashing. It mimicked the thunder. Emmett and Edward went for the ball but Rosalie was almost home run. They throw it hard to Esme who then manages to tap the home base plate a millisecond before Rosalie lands. I called it out. She glared at me.

"It's just a game." Emmett remind her but she hates me that much.

At the second throw of the ball, Jasper sends it all the way to the woods. Edward chases it.

"Someone's coming!" She announced making everyone return to the base plate.

"I thought you said they left." There was impatience in Rosalie's eyes.

"They're looking for someone." I saw Edward and Alice exchanged looks. But it was short as three figures emerges out the woods and in a snap right in front of us. They seemed familiar with Edward, Alice, and Emmett. And reintroduced themselves as Laurent, James and Victoria.

"Back again?" Alice asked.

"Our friend seem to run in circles." They chuckled. "You might have seen her in her? Beautiful Copper skin, long dark hair, brown eyes. It is impossible to not notice her." Laurent did all the talking while James made a sly smile at Edward as he was oblivious of his mind reading.

"We'll let you know." Carlisle seemed polite and somehow the tension easened up.

They were turning away slowly, but when I think about it they just described Malia. They don't look friendly by the color of their eyes.

"She meant them?" I asked it in the most lowest whisper, but knew that I shouldn't have opened my mouth too soon.

"So you know her?" James turns back and closes up on us. The Cullens formed a shield around me with Edward in front and was facing James.

Laurent takes a whiff. "Human. You must be the new favorite." He has his deep burgundy eyes on me.


Edward was enraged. If Bella had only kept quiet none of this would have happened. They have to protect her now. Malia will be fine as long as she's with the Quileutes and the last time Edward had read Billy's mind, he seem to care for her like his own daughter. But Malia, she's stubborn, he knew if she knew that someone's in danger because of her she'll definitely go out and take care of it herself even if she can't. It's what her mind had shown him.

"I never should have brought you here. I am sorry Bella." Edward tucks her in the seat, he drove as fast as he could to get her home. But then that wouldn't be a good idea. James could easily get there and kill Bella and Charlie, they have to make other plans.

The plan, was to take Bella, guard her, she just became the target, but only to become a bait for their real target.

When they got to the Cullens' residence, they were surprised to see Laurent. But Carlisle told them to calm down, he's not the enemy, he came to warn them of James.

"We chased a werewolf for two weeks. He is up for that challenge, keep that human safe, and you're keeping two lives safe." He warned and left the Cullens.

"Bella, you're going with Alice and Jasper. We're gonna take care of this."

"How about Malia? You have to warn her."

"I will."

As soon as Alice drives away, Edward makes for the borders. This warning, is gonna get him killed. He hears someone's mind, two, Paul and Jared emerges from the woods looking at Edward.

"Paul, Jared, It's Malia, she's in danger. You have to keep her safe."

"You don't have to tell us."

"Don't underestimate this vampire, he is blood thirsty of a werewolf."

"We can manage."

The thoughts was understandable, there was hate, and fear in both the werewolves mind. But that somehow made Edward at ease to know that these guys will do everything to protect Malia.

Carlisle throws a jacket at Rosalie. It's  Bella's. They're going to run around and lure him somewhere else. Every tree, Rosalie marked, they know he's taking the bait. It'll only take a moment before he..

"He knows.." Edward senses. The sudden change of path of James. He is no longer following them. There was another thought running by the woods but it's hard to know for sure, it had a way of hiding. "She's taking him.." Edward was going to rush against it. But Rosalie stops him.

"That's on her now. If she's helping us get rid of James let her be."

But that would mean the wolves had either let her go or she escaped again.

The pack surrounds the Cullens. Telepathically linking to them.

"She heard the conversation."

"That would mean she's headed to Bella? Two targets in one place is not a good sign."

"We'll have to back her up." Emmett suggests, but the wolves. They must stay. Only one threat had left the premises, the townspeople still need protecting from Laurent and Victoria.

There was an understanding as Edward takes a nod at Sam before they rushed to opposite directions.


Malia runs fast. Faster than before. This times she's the one chasing tail. And unlike James, she's not gonna let this game last too long for him to finish it.


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