Things that must remain a Secret

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Sam was angry. Paul was angrier. Jared has a bit of concern. Malia is just pure stubborn.

"Three guys were found dead. Just right where you were. You're lucky Bella brought you to Carlisle, otherwise, Charlie would think you-"

"I didn't. And its a good thing I was there. Who knows what could have happened to Bella?"

They agreed but there was still disappointment in their faces, people had just died. It would have helped if she was part of the telepathic link, unfortunately she is not one with the pack.

Things got worse from there. Bella had just found out about the Cullens. Now she's onto Malia. The tribe's secret must remain a secret.

"You can tell me anything."

"Actually I can't."

"Was it because you did something?"

"You think I did it? I'm not a bad person Bella. I would never kill anyone."

"Then someone did."

"I think we both know what did it."

"He would never.."

"Are you sure? Have you ever asked them what their food source is?"

She never answered back and left immediately. It was a tension. One that Malia wanted to do everything to protect her first by making her keepna distance from the Cullens. But it seems like this talk had just made Bella take a step away from her. Billy appears just as soon as she had left, they both look at Bella's car slowly getting farther from their sight.

"I never told her of the pack. But she knows of the Cullens."

"She's out of our hands now. Let's just hope Edward doesn't eat her." Billy shruggs off the thought.

But Malia is not gonna let another human fall prey into the cold ones. She saw so much of someone in Bella that she wanted to save her from them for whatever cost.

"Was that Bella? What did she said?" Jacob asks.

"She just came by to thank me." Though when Jacob takes a peek by the window her face did not looked happy, it was more pissed. Too pissed to say thank you.

He knew she was lying. The elders had already kept a lot of things from him, it wouldn't surprise him that Malia, someone not from their tribe, is also having her own secrets. But it included Bella, and he was dying to know.

"You like Bella?"

The question sends Jacob a bit unprepared. He chuckles lightly, and was glad that Malia asked him about it since he never had the guts to share it to anyone except maybe Quil and Embry, but they tease him so bad, and now with Malia knowing it gets a little more lighter, though he is not giving out his feelings that easily.

"Its not like that. I guess a crush." He shakes his head.

"She is pretty. A little dumb though don't you think? But I guess that's just how being human is." She smiled at him.

"Why would you say that?" He was puzzled but left unanswered.

Their attention turns to the woods. Billy nudges for Malia to go ahead while he ordered Jacob to head home.

It's the pack. And they found something.

"The Cullens seem to have invited more of them. It was them wasn't it? The animal attacks?"

Malia nods.

"We can't take them down, not unless they cross our borders." Paul said.

"Or killed another person." Jared adds.

"I can't let them. They won't stop-" Malia pauses realizing her carelessness.

"You? Are you somehow related to these incidents?" Sam shows his dominance, but Malia never flinched.

"I am the incident. And if I don't get out of here, there'll be more incidents to follow."

"Trying to run away? That's brave." Paul scoffs.

Malia did not take it lightly. She knew what these guys are capable of. Having them on her tail long. She growls at him and that was slowly showing danger to the pack, as Paul the most volatile of them takes a step back.

"You think running away is the easy plan huh? If I wanted out easy I could've just killed myself. But I'm living with it aren't I?"

That's the most she had ever said to them and it hit them hard. A glimpse of what she had been thru. That is, besides the scars, which was still a secret of she got them.


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