On your own

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Trey haven't been welcoming of her return especially with Vinn dead. Infact  he would have rather Malia dead if it meant his bestfriend could live. But he wasn't always ice cold.

It's just, death really changes people.

Malia walks past her friends for a glimpse she saw them as her Quileute friends but as she blinked it was only her mind playing. They are nothing like the Quileutes, they're a mess.

"Aren't you coming?" Eli asks but more of telling her that she should.
"But Trey would-"
"Who cares what Trey thinks, he's not our boss." Eli mocks Trey's mannerism of darkened eyes of death.
"He'll be the first to run if Trey catches us." Addie knew Eli too well of course. "But that's the fun isn't it?" He smiles at his friends.

"Yeah. Let's do it."
"The question now is where to." They take out a map. Only a few more kilometers and they'd reach the nearest town.
"Let's go there." Malia points.
"We're not gonna hunt for a desperate human to save cause the last time you did..." Eli receives a glare.
"Who said we're hunting for humans?" "Ohhhhh." His excitement just skyrocketed like a kid given a candy.

The three seem to have no care on their surroundings, being this type of werewolf with only being ever in one fight doesn't really make them more prepared for what's to come in the future, they think they are vicious, and they're not wrong, their main instinct is to survive making everything else second, including loved ones, which is why they lack teamwork. Now Malia miss that dynamic she felt when she was with the Quileutes, even though she didn't really connect to them, that feeling of working together is something she had taken for granted remembering her stubborness in her first days in the rez, and how she might have to unlearn everything.

"Stop." They all did. Eli kept blabbing about Malia's sudden changed in demeanor but he was shushed.
"This is where Vinn parted ways with us." Addie gives Malia a heads up.
"Incoming!" Eli shouts out as Uma ducks making the vampire jump at Eli instead. Another one attacks Addie and she wasn't able to shift easily, Uma started stepping backwards as memories of the attack return to her. She panics and rushed out, Malia was torn "what the hell are you standing there for!?" Addie yells at her despite being held down by a vampire. "Go!" And her gut feeling kicks in.

Malia shifts and tracks Uma's paw prints but she knew in an instant it wasn't just hers. A vampire catches up with her and takes a leap on her back. His face looked familiar. He was there when Vinn was badly injured. No. He was one of the vampires that hurt him. Stronger but maybe on one on one. As soon as he heard others coming to Malia, he looses his grip.

Smiling at her tauntingly before she was able to push him off disappearing in her sight. She wanted to end him but the Cullens may have said that that vampire was the strongest physically.

"Are you alright!?" Uma helps her up.
"Yeah, did he hurt you?"
"No." She assured Malia. "Where's Eli and Addie?"
"Still out there, I need to go help them."
But Trey appears.
"You're not going anywhere."
"But they need help."
"It'll only put us all in more danger."
"They could die out there!" Malia yells at him but he seemed unmoved of his decision. Trey is far more superior than her but she had enough of weeks of Trey ordering her around. She takes a step back.
"Two can die for the sake of the majority."
"When have you ever become this heartless!?"
"You wanna know? You wanna know!?" He fills with rage. "Eversince you took interest in saving that human! You were so selfish! You caused all of this! You caused her death, my family, even Vinn's death! So don't you dare call me heartless when I'm just trying to fix the mess you created." He walks away but Malia does the same, Uma was stuck in the middle for a moment, and out of everything she knew Trey went through she wanted to comfort him without offending Malia.
"It's okay Uma, go with him." She goes to find Eli and Addie. And it took her two days.

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