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Epiales shot up in his bed, his body completely rigid. His mate was screaming, he could hear it so clearly, she sounded like she was being ripped apart by a rabid animal.

He jumped out of his bed, clambering over the duvet that had fallen off onto the floor and rushed into Amora's room.

Expecting her to be physically injured, an attacker in her room, he was shocked to see her still lying on her bed, her eyes squeezed shut tightly, the skin around them creased and sweat coating her forehead, making her hair stick to it.

He knew what it was, it was a nightmare, something he was all too familiar with. He was once said to be the number one cause of nightmares as he was feared so much. He really hoped he wasn't the reason behind this one.

"Amora! Amora! Wake up!" He shook her shoulders roughly, desperate to see her glimmering, glacial blue orbs that he'd recently taken notice of.

She gasped and her eyes flew open, making Epiales sigh in relief and take his hands off her painfully hot skin.

"What- what are you doing in here?" She croaked, her throat raw from all the screaming. She squeezed her hands together in an attempt for comfort. 

He immediately put his emotionless facade back on and his frowned lips returned to a straight line, his forehead was no longer creased and he regained his breath quickly.

"You were screaming so loud that the entire pack could've woken up."

Amora looked down at her lap ashamed and covers her face with her hands, wanting to scream.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled through her hands.

Epiales ignored her, "what was your nightmare about?"

She removed her hands from her face, debating on whether or not she should tell him, maybe he would open up too. "My Alpha, he-he punishes his pack members, physically, I was his usual victim because his dad cared for me so much he hated me for it."

Epiales couldn't prevent the short growl that escaped him, he hated Lincoln even more but he was thankful that for once someone's nightmares were not about him. He didn't know if he could take it if his own mate was scared of him, even if he didn't truly care about her.

He nodded, "try and go back to sleep, it's," he paused to look at the large grandfather clock that rested against her closet, "half-past five."

"Won't you stay?" she whispered, preparing for the rejection.

He shook his head, "I- I can't, I told you, no relationship will happen between us."

She bit her lip, once again holding back her tears in front of him, she didn't know how else to get him to like her.

"You can go now, thank you for waking me," she muttered, lying back down and facing the wall, tucking her shaking hands under her cheek.

He didn't reply as he shut the door behind him roughly, climbing back into his, now cold, bed. He closed his eyes, waiting for the tiredness to return to him but it never did, he stayed awake for hours, as did Amora, none of them being able to succumb to the darkness for the rest of the night.

Before he knew it, the large clock rung, signalling that it was six-thirty a.m and he stood up to get ready, pulling on another colourless suit and his all too expensive shoes. He went downstairs to make Amora breakfast, not wanting her to become ill.

He carried the hot plate back upstairs at seven a.m, expecting Amora to be fast asleep but he was shocked to see her lying awake, staring at the ceiling of her room.

Alpha EpialesWhere stories live. Discover now