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Epiales sat in his office alone. He had a mountain of paperwork on his desk and with a smirk on his face he flipped through all the inky pages. His pack was at its peak. He was stronger than ever. He had more pack members, more warriors, more materials, more land, more alliances and most importantly he was more feared than ever. Although now he was also more power-hungry than ever.

He looked through his glass door into Amora's office. He had spent everyday suppressing his feelings for her and it had benefitted him greatly, but it was harder than ever to stay away from her.

"Amora!" He called, motioning for her to come into his office.

"Hello," Amora spoke softly, smiling at him from the doorway.

"Take a seat."

Amora plopped down onto the seat in front of him and waited anxiously for him to speak.

"Our pack is more successful than ever and I wanted to thank you for your assistance in helping me lead," he spoke lowly.

"Well, that is what a Luna is meant to do..." Amora mumbled, looking down at her shoes.

Epiales stared at her, unsure of how to reply.

"You said you had a plan yesterday...what is it?" Amora broke the silence.

"I am going to take the next step," he smirked.

"And that is?"

"I am going to kill Richard."

Amora bolted upright in her seat, "you are going to kill the King?"

"He is no King! He is certainly not my King and I will enjoy ending his life and taking the throne."

"Epiales, I know you are power-hungry but this is madness! It is insane! Not to mention dangerous! You are the strongest Alpha of the strongest pack in England, what more could you possibly want?"

"I need this! I thought all I needed was to be the strongest Alpha but I cannot sit back and watch Richard rule, he is no leader! He is threatened by me, if I do not do this he will eventually strip me of my title! I cannot let that happen, this is my life."

"Are you hearing yourself?! Richard may not be the best King but you cannot just assassinate him! Every Alpha is obsessed with power but Epiales this is psychotic, this is too far, just stop it!" Amora cried.

"I am doing this. I have been planning this since the ball. You are not going to stop me, Amora, rest assured if I did not need you to keep this pack at the top, I would have sent you back to Lincoln's land a long time ago."

Amora gasped, a gruesome pain spreading through her as she felt her wolf claw inside her mind. She had believed that Epiales, deep down, cared for her, despite him constantly pushing her away, but now as he said that he seemed so serious.

"Alpha." Amora nodded her head and got up to leave, her tone emotionless and cold.

Hot anger grew across Epiales' chest, a title he has demanded to be called for the past decade of his life that made him feel powerful and in control suddenly felt like an insult as he heard it fall from Amora's lips.

She stood up, making her way to the door quickly, holding back her tears. Epiales shot up and rushed to the door, blocking her exit. Amora looked up at him, straining her neck to meet his eyes, and stared at him blankly, it was the first time Epiales had ever seen her so emotionless. He didn't like it. He hated it. He wanted her to scream and punch him, he wanted her to show any emotion at all, he wanted anything but this and now he realized he had gone too far.

"Move," Amora spoke after a long pause of silence.

When Epiales didn't move out the way she shoved him harshly, causing him to lose his balance and giving her the opportunity to run down the stairs.

"Fuck," Epiales hissed, slamming his fist into the wall.

Pushing everything to the back of his mind, he finished his plan to kill the King.


Amora sat at the small table in the garden, feeling completely numb. The entire time she had been here she had been lying to herself, she had been living in a fantasy world where Epiales was only closed off but he'd soon admit that he was as deeply in love with her as she was with him. She now saw how foolish she has been, he didn't care about her nor love her, he was merely using her for his own gain, she was like a doll.

Nothing, nothing mattered anymore not if it didn't matter to him.

'Remember Amora, I can not look after you forever,' the old man spoke, smiling warmly at the curly-haired child sitting on his lap.

'Why not Alpha?' Young Amora asked.

'Because one day you will find your mate and it will be their job to take care of you,' he replied softly, his heart clenching at the thought of letting Amora go.

'Will he love me as much as you?' She asked innocently, her mind buzzing at the thought of finding her soulmate.

'Well...he can try,' he laughed, picking her up and spinning her around, 'would you like to go to the park?'

Amora forced herself out of her reverie and back inside the packhouse once the rain started pouring on her.

"Good luck Alpha!"

"Have a safe journey Alpha!"

Amora followed the distant voices to the front of the packhouse to see Epiales beside a large group of warriors standing at the door.

"What is going on?" She asked hesitantly.

Epiales' eyes met hers slowly, surprise evident in them, "we must set off now if we wish to make it to the castle before sunset."

Amora shuffled through the crowd of pack members to come face to face with her mate, "Epiales, please think about this, it is a suicide mission! Please I am begging you, just stay here..with me."

"My mind is set Amora, you will be solely in charge while I am gone," he replied shortly, breaking away from her forlorn gaze.

She grabbed onto his shirt, clinging to him desperately as the rain poured down on them, "you cannot do this."

He froze for a moment, his eyes meeting hers once more, for a moment he almost stayed, for her, but he was stubborn-minded and cold-hearted. He took her wrists in his hands and pushed her off of him, making her stumble back into the crowd, engulfed by the anxious pack members waiting to bid their Alpha goodbye.

"Good luck!" "Goodbye!" Their cries cheered out, hitting Amora forcefully as she realized he was already shifting into his wolf and running into the dark depths of the woods, far away from her.

Alpha EpialesWhere stories live. Discover now