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The grandfather clock rang, the loud sound pulling Epiales out of his slumber, despite getting a full nights sleep he was still exhausted and couldn't find it in himself to get started with his day. He cursed the mate bond for having such an effect on him, how was he meant to lead his pack like this? Motivation-less and tired.

He sighed and rolled out of his bed and walked to Amora's room and gently knocked on the door, "Amora, are you awake?"

"No," Amora's sleepy voice called from behind the door, sounding muffed, "go away it's too early."

"It's seven am, we have to work," Epiales replied, ignoring his conscience and inviting himself into her room.

"What? Get out! I'm not decent," Amora protested, sitting upright on the bed and hiking the covers up to her chest.

"Sorry," Epiales said, though he didn't really mean it, "I just don't want this bond to start affecting us negatively, the pack will falter because of it."

"Of course that's why," Amora muttered, her voice laced with sadness, "well, you said I'd be spending the day with you, so I shall get ready!" Suddenly feeling brighter, she swings her legs over the bed and jumps to her closet, ignoring the fact she is in her silk pyjamas.

"I- um- I will get ready too," Epiales fumbled over his words, rushing out of the room to get dressed in another one of his lifeless suits.

Amora quietly hummed to herself, browsing through her new selection of dresses, they wouldn't have been her first pick before but now they made her feel just like a Luna, someone who was taken seriously.

After picking out a tight-fitted pale pink dress, Amora took her time brushing through her brown locks before applying some cream blush. Just as she was about to cook herself some breakfast, a heavy knock was heard from behind the door.

Amora opened up the door and was met with a tired-looking Epiales, holding a silver tray filled with a variety of foods, ranging from eggs to fruit.

"Thank you," she smiled, "I will be at your office as soon as I'm done."

Epiales nodded, and much to Amora's dismay, shut the door without uttering a word to her.

Amora munched quickly on her food, eager to spend the day with her mate, she had so much planned, she was finally going to bring up the play and she was going to learn about his other interests and she was going to tell him everything about her. She knew she could get him to open up and accept their bond.

After rapidly finishing her food, she rushed off to Epiales office, knocking on the door frantically and zooming in before Epiales could even finish saying "come in."

"Eager to work are we?" Epiales questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah...something like that," Amora mumbled, taking a look around his tidy office. Nothing was out of place, he even had his files organised in piles according to topic and size.

"What are we doing today? Looking into the complaints about the head chef?" Amora asked.

Epiales nodded, reaching for a small pile of papers and handing them to Amora, who sat down in a comfortable brown chair directly across from him.

Amora scanned over the complaints, all from the same family.

"They all say the same thing, that he is purposefully keeping ingredients for himself to use later on and depriving the pack of good food."

"Yes, I know, but what do you think of the complaints?" Epiales asked.

"Well, do you know if they have proof?" Amora asked, lifting one leg over the other, hiking her dress up slightly.

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