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Amora lay in her bed, staring at the blank ceiling. She felt completely empty inside. Her every thought was about the guarded man just across the hall, with walls so high she plummeted every time she tried to break them down.

She would not let herself cry, the burning tears gathered in her eyes but she would harshly blink them away. Every time she got closer to him, he pushed her away and her wolf was in pain, making her whole body ache, in need of him.

Her hair stuck to her neck, sweat coating her skin. She knew her wolf was not handling the rejection and was trying to get Epiales to mark her, the pain was taking a toll on Amora's physical health. She knew she would be better leaving, she would not be in any more pain than she was here, but she needed him, she needed to see him, hear his voice even just feel his presence in a room. Every time she looked at him, she knew she'd give everything up for him. His voice sent shivers down her spine and his touch made her forget that she ever spent all those years alone.

Before Amora knew it, he was knocking on her door to bring her breakfast. She sat up in her bed, eager to see him as he walked in holding the familiar silver tray he brought to her every morning.

"Epiales, please can we talk?" She begged as he approached her.

He nodded at her, sitting down on the edge of her bed, placing the tray cautiously on her lap.

"Yesterday you- we were finally moving forward, why do you keep pushing me away?" Amora whispered, scared that if she spoke any louder she would cry or start screaming.

"I saw firsthand what following love blindly can do to a pack, my father knew it too, he was smart, he refused to let anything come before his role as Alpha, even my mother and she agreed, she was brought up and trained to be Luna, all the women in her pack were, just in case any of them were, she knew the importance of leading a pack."

"I still do not understand, say you accepted the bond and we ruled together as mates, why would that be so awful?"

"Because mate bonds are such a powerful and unknown force. I need to be 100% prepared to die for my pack if need be. I cannot do that if I am living for someone else," he replied, not looking into Amora's eyes.

Amora reached out to place her hand on his, "I know how important being an Alpha is, Epiales I am not a child, I am aware that people die, but it is not certain that it will come to that."

Epiales took her hand and kissed the back of it gently before walking out of the room, "come work in my office today, I still need to go over some information with you."

As soon as the door shut, Amora collapsed backward onto the bed, screaming in frustration.

As soon as she finished her breakfast, Amora quickly got herself ready and rushed to Epiales office, excited to spend the whole day with him.

"Amora, it is the end of the month so we must go over our imports and exports to ensure we will be fine next month, we need to be especially careful as it is almost winter," Epiales murmured, scanning over a piece of paper.

"Alright, where do we start?" She asked, sitting down in the chair in front of him.

"Food. We export meats to 3 other packs and in return, they send cotton, wheat, and alcohol but our pack is growing significantly and I do not think we can risk not having enough meat to feed the pups."

"Well, we definitely cannot risk it, I think we should stop exporting to the pack who gives us alcohol, we will survive without it this month," Amora replied.

Epiales nodded and the next few hours went on like that, Epiales and Amora exchanging ideas on what to export and import.

Epiales looked at his watch and frowned, "we skipped past lunch, I will go make us some."

Amora laughed quietly, "someone brought us lunch, remember? You shooed them away and I asked them to put it in my office."

He blushed, nodding at her and quickly going over to her office to bring in the tray of sandwiches neatly placed in a row.

Amora stared at him as he fussed over her not eating even after she assured him she wasn't hungry, how could she be when he made her the biggest breakfast she'd ever eaten? He scratched the back of his neck like he always did when he was stressed, as he constantly paced around.

Amora watched him place sandwiches in front of her, so many she knew she wouldn't even be able to eat a quarter of them.

"Amora you have to eat, what if you get sick or you-"

"I love you." The words fell from Amora's lips slowly, as if she was unsure of them but she knew she'd never been more certain about anything before, she had been waiting so long to say those three words.

Epiales stared at her, he did not know how to react. She was telling him she loved him even after how cruel he has been to her. A million emotions raced through him, happiness, shock, anger. Remembering all those years of drilling it into his mind that he can not have a mate rushed through his head.

"You can not just say that, you can't just come into my life and say shit like that and mess everything up!"

Amora visibly flinched and all the love was hidden away in her eyes, "if I recall correctly, I didn't just waltz into your life and mess everything up, you brought me here without even asking if I wanted to come with you! I have tried so hard to make this work Epiales but you can only push me so far before I snap, so I am done Epiales. I am done trying to make whatever this is work, I am done trying to get to know you and your pack, and I am done trying to love you."

It was his turn to flinch. He stood there as she turned away and silently walked out the door, the only sound to be heard was her quiet sniffles as she tries to contain her tears.

He knew he should have let her go and set her free, he knew she was miserable here because of him and he was being unbelievably selfish forcing her to stay here but he just could not let her leave him, he needed her. Not just for power but for happiness, for love. But wasn't ready to admit that to himself.

"William, bring Amora to her room and guard the door so she cannot leave," Epiales muttered, stepping outside the office where William was standing, talking to another guard.

William hesitated but nodded, running after Amora who had just run down the stairs.

"Go away, William!" Epiales heard Amora shout distantly.

He heard William muttering something he couldn't decipher.

There was a lot of shouting and running around and as Epiales stood to go downstairs he heard Amora running into her room and slamming the door, William following quickly behind her and standing directly outside her door.

"Do not move from that door. Amora cannot go anywhere, the pack needs a Luna," Epiales mutters, standing in the hallway, staring at William.

"And you need her," William mutters, looking down at the ground.

Epiales ignored him and turned back around, heading to his office and slamming the door.

He sat down at his desk, throwing all his work off of it, growling angrily. He could feel his wolf's pain in his chest, and his own combined with it.

With a sigh, Epiales rested his head in his hands, regretting everything.

Alpha EpialesWhere stories live. Discover now