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(song link at the top as always :))

Amora woke up in the comfortable bed she had longed for. A warm arm was wrapped around her waist. She heard light snores coming from behind her and she smiled slightly.

Epiales stirred as he woke up, planting a soft kiss on her shoulder before whispering, "what would you like for breakfast?"

Her stomach grumbled, "anything sounds good."

"Just wait here, I'll make you something."

Amora yawned as he left the room, she glanced out the window beside her. The birds chirped in a happy melody as they sat perched upon the tall trees. Soon enough they flew away. She was envious of their ability to just get up and leave, flying away from their troubles whenever they pleased without a second thought. They seemed so free.

She thought about last night. It was so perfect, all she and Epiales had done was stay up late talking to each other but she felt as though she got to know more about him in that one night than she did in all the months they had been together. He felt like hers again.

'Please let me take care of you,' he whispered as he massaged the shampoo into her scalp softly.

'You do not need to, I am capable of bathing myself,' she whispered breathlessly as his hands trailed down to her hips.


The door was pushed open as the messy-haired king walked in, holding a tray of food. Her stomach grumbled loudly as she inhaled the scents of proper food.

"I thought you'd be hungry, so I brought a variety," he whispered softly as he sat down on the bed beside her.

"You thought right, thank you," she grinned as she dug into the meal.

"You went to Scotland, didn't you?" Epiales asked after a moment of silence.

Amora nodded silently, guilt creeping in on her.

"I understand why you left," Epiales looked away from her, "I should have been there for you, as your mate."

She bit the inside of her cheek, "I'm sorry Epiales."

"The image of you running into the woods is still burned in my mind. It makes my heart ache, but I will never blame you for it, Amora. Never."

She didn't reply, she just watched him eat as he used his other hand to play with her hair.

"How did you find out about your parents?" She asked him, remembering what he told her last night.

"I found a book back at the pack, it was my mother's diary."

She squeezed his hand, "how is the pack?"

"They are good, they miss you greatly."

"I feel horrible, I want to go see everyone."

He turned to face her with a wide smile on his face, "let's go today, in-fact we can go right now."

She finished eating her slice of toast before replying, "right now? Epiales you can't just abandon your duties as King."

"I handed them off last night when you had returned, I wanted to spend every moment possible with you."

Her cheeks burned red, "all right then, let's go visit the pack."


They shifted into their wolves together and began running through the woods. The journey seemed a lot shorter to Amora as she was used to trundling along in a carriage.

Alpha EpialesWhere stories live. Discover now