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Three months had gone by and Amora had not left Epiales' office since the day she returned from the castle to beg the King for his release.

"Please your highness, please let me see him," she begged, ready to get on her knees and plead. She could feel that he was nearby, she knew he was below her, suffering in the cellars, locked in a cage. Her heartbeat rapidly sped up, desperation consuming her. 

"No, Amora, you're a sensible girl, if you know what is best you'd leave here and never return, do you hear me? You are lucky I did not have you arrested too!" Richard bellowed, shaking the walls around them.

Amora flinched, looking up into his cold eyes, "that is my mate, I am not leaving here until I see him!"

"Guards! Take her away," he shouted, sending Amora into a panicked hysteria.

"No!" She shrieked, "let me see him! Please, I have to see him, you cannot keep him away from me!"

Richard looked at her as she was forcefully dragged down the long corridor, "you are never seeing that sorry excuse for an Alpha ever again, Miss Cain."

Amora let out a chilling scream followed by a shrill cry, scaring the guards so badly they almost released their hold on her, as she was dragged out the doors which shut behind her, the last thing she saw was Richard's sly grin as he took one last look at her.

The minute Amora was dragged back into her pack she immediately went into Epiales' office, inhaling his scent and refused to leave. She had spent every day for three months trying to figure out a way to bring him home, as well as trying to balance her other workload, which William graciously helped her manage.

She had came up with few ideas, all dangerous and impossible. Her only viable option seemed far-fetched but she was crazed as her wolf restlessly wandered in her mind. She was going to disguise one of her own pack members as a royal guard and send him into the dungeons to see how Epiales was, from there she would bring back information of the layout and plan an escape for him. She knew it was unlikely to work but she would try anything.

"Luna, there is a letter from the court addressed to you," William said softly, knocking on the door.

"Bring it in," she called.

William cautiously stepped into the room and glanced at her, she had barely eaten, showered or slept in three months, he was surprised to see her alive, never mind working.

"Luna, I think you should get some rest and I will bring you up some breakfast."

Her eyes shot up, looking at him with a deadly glare, "thank you for the letter William. I am not hungry, but I appreciate that."

He nodded in defeat, gently placing the letter in front of her and glancing at her once more before leaving the room.

She ripped it open, anxious to read its contents. She silently mumbled the first few words of the carefully written letter before her heart stopped completely.

'The sentence of the law passed upon Epiales Romes found guilty of high treason, will be carried into execution at 8 a.m. on September 19th, 1815.'

"No!" She screamed, her mind in a frenzy as tears started to uncontrollably fall down her face. September 19th was one week away.

She sat and stared at the letter in her shaking hands before calling the nearest warrior, Alexander, into the room.

"Epiales, his excecution letter came from the palace today, I have a plan, it is not perfect but I am putting it into action now, he is not going to die," she spoke, her voice shaking violently.

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