Chapter 3: Nailed it.

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"Anne! Look a butterfly!" A young girl shouted excitedly as she pointed at the little butterfly, flapping it's wings, dancing with the wind.

The little girl followed the butterfly, running excitedly with her long purple hair tailing behind her, glistening under the bright sun. Her face full of happiness, but as you look closely in her eye, you could see that there's a hint of embarrassment and shame on it.

"Young miss, please don't run you might hurt yourself!" The maid tailing her said, worried that she might trip and hurt herself.

"Don't worry, Anne! I can handle myself!" The little girl said as she showed her 'muscles' to the maid.

"Yes, young miss has grown so much." The maid said happily as she smiles, remembering what happened the last 5 years, starting when her little miss was still a small baby.

The little girl grinned at her. A little embarrassed of what happened for the past 5 years. At least now she doesn't need to do all that tortures. Now, she could rely to herself more, now that she's old enough-

(A: Ehem. Still a 5 years old.)

Shut up, Author.

Anyways. Now, she could rely to herself more, now that she's old enough. Even if she's a lazy bummer, she doesn't want to be a hindrance.

Now, she just have to wait for 13 years until she becomes a true adult. No problem, right...

(A: Mmhmmm. Yeeeaaaah. No problem.)

Shut up, Author.



I can't do it anymore. I'm done. I'm tired. I don't wanna do this again. Screw you, pretty guy. I'm gonna kill myself...

Just joking. My life here is great. I don't need to work for food. I'm born rich, men! My father is a duke! I think. Well I never saw him since the day I was reborn here, but who cares? If he doesn't like me then, don't. I'm not gonna chase him around. Bitch. I have a pride.

Ehem. Anyways. The first 2 years, was fucking horrible. I can't act like my normal self, the worst is. For 4 months I can't eat anything but milk, after that, Anne started feeding me this glutinous baby food. It's so disgusting.

When I was already 6 months, Anne started feeding me solid foods. You thought I was happy that I can eat solid foods then? Nope.

My fucking poopsicle! Have you ever felt that when, satan's falls is back at service and you can feel the sticky blood on your vagibaloona? Pooping. In a diaper. Is. 10. times. Worst.

My temperament has change so much, that I always got angry just because of small things. Like when the rattle hits my face when I shake it, or the rattle falls on my face when I shake it. It's always the rattle's fault.

But then. Time has passed and I became. 3. I got better control at things, I can already eat all the foods I want, my body is not as useless and weak as it used to be. And most off all...

No diapers.

Everything became so much better. My temperament is back and I missed it. So much.

My smiles are brighter and it looks more real now. I began to enjoy things much more and-

"Young miss, it's time for lunch." Anne said as she knocks.

"Ah! Is that so? Then please come in, Anne."

"Young miss has truly grown, if madam could see this, she will truly be happy."

"Thank you." Smiling sadly, I reminisce the memories I have with my mother in this world. Actually, it's just her smiling and singing me a lullaby but still...

"Don't worry, young miss. I know madam is happy where ever she is, so you should be happy to! Right?" Anne said tring to cheer me up but failing miserably.

"Yes, you're right, Anne." I said, smiling the most cheerful smile I can muster. Damn. My cheeks hurts because of all these smiling.

Anne and I chatted our way to the dinning room. Then, my food was served. Now ladies and gentlemen, we have, roast beef, manchet bread, mortrew and tea. Sigh. Even if there's a delicious looking goods in front of me. There's always something missing, mabye, because I grew up in an asian country that I really miss rice that much..?

I really miss mom's adobo(1)... I don't think I have an appetite now... Just kidding.

I'm not gonna waste some food. Do you know how many kids die in Africa because of starvation?

You do? Tell me.

But, that's not the point. It's bad to waste food. Don't do that kids. (A: You little kids should listen to Ame-sama! No spoiling of food!)

"Young miss. A gentleman wants to talk to you." Anne announced nervously. Mmhmmm. Is that so? I hope it's not, that.

"Young miss? Do you want to make him wait?"

"No, no. I'm already finish, and besides, it's rude to make visitors wait." I said as I calmly wipe my mouth with the napkin while they clean up the mess I made. Drinking my tea one last time, before the butlers and maids take it away.

"Come on, Anne." I said as I look at Anne with a slight smirk in my face.

Let's fucking chase this mother-fucker off my property. I thought as my smirk grew bigger each step I take.


"Greetings, miss Amethyst." A man in his early 20's said as he bowed to his queen- I mean. To show respect to the first miss.

"Greetings, sire." Ame greeted as she bowed a little showing a little bit of courtesy.

'So this is the guy that father of mine sent? Hmph. No need to actually concern with this guy he looks like he's just a mob character.' Ame thought.

(A: That's so evil, Ame... \(;'□`)/)

'You're actually concerning yourself with this mob character, Author? You should have just sent my father so we could have a face off.' Ame said, irritated of the Author's stupidity.

(A: So I don't need to add a pic for this guy?)

'No need.' Ame thought, but the creepy thing is the little girl has been thinking of all those hurtful and evil things while smiling sweetly at the mob characte- I mean. Messenger.

(A: How cruel and cold... ╥﹏╥)

"So, what brings you here, good sire?" Ame asked innocently as Ame could, like an innocent child unaware of all your fucking schemes, you stupid mother-fu-*beep*

(A: Narrator calm down... \(;'□`)/)

"Young miss." The messenger said as he mustered out all the courage he have to say to this adorable little lady, that she will live with a demon and leave her safe place.

"Young miss, you will move to the main mansion and live there with your father."

'Nailed it.'


(1): Adobo is another Filipino delicacy. Very- very delicious. Just search it up on google.

Chapter 3, complete!

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