Chapter 7: Somebody once told me...

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"Arya Grace Adal." Grampa said, his voice soft but loud and clear. He called the little girl in front of me. Like any other person in this coliseum, I glance at the nervous little girl.

She looks so cute. Fiddling with her fingers nervously, Nox and aunt encourage her. Saying that she will do great. Them looking like a one big happy family.

Wow, sana all. (1)

A slight bitter feeling rose in my chest, even if I'm not really angry at them. Well It's not like I'm really angry at them but-

Fine. I'm slightly jelly. So what? It's not like you can blame me. Growing up without a father or even a mother, now seeing a lovely happy family in front of me. I'm not a saint. I'm just like any other human being in this world, ok?! It's only normal for me to feel a slight jealousy.

Arya looks at me with her big pink eyes. Sigh. Alright.

"Good luck." I said with a slight nod, encouraging her to go show off that rare light magic she got. Smiling, she stand up, walking towards the stage, eyes following her every movement.

"Are you ready?" Gramps asked with a kind smike on his face.

"Y-Yes." Arya said fiddling with her hands cutely.

Gramps smiled warmly to her instructing her to put both hands on the book. As she putted her hands a large magic circle formed below her, then the once clear orb glowed a bright yellow color, almost white.

Gasp and whispers filled the whole coliseum-like room. Even gramps, Nox, aunty, Samuel a.k.a. Alfred, and Marielle look so surprised while I, hid a knowing smile.

"L-Light magic! Light magic! Arya Grace Adal has light magic!" Gramps said, happily. "You! You are the blessed child! The savior! The child that the goddes sent us!"

"U-Um. N-No. I'm just a normal noble girl."

"No! No! You are the blessed child!"

"P-Please can I go back now." She said, scared because of how gramps is acting and because of all the stares she's getting.

"No! Not until the message is sent to the saintess-"

"No one is taking my baby from me!" Aunt said, slamming her hands on the table. I can already see Nox gritting his teeth, frowning. Everybody's angry while I'm here. No one noticing me drinking Nox's glass of wine, watching the drama unfold in front of my own two eyes.

I can't help but shake my head, slow clapping while all of them fight for miss heroine. I snort, taking a sip on Nox's wine while I watch aunty while 5 female holy knights stops her, Nox's already walking towards the stage without a word, just murderous eyes staring straight at gramps.

I need to stop them.

Sighing, I held the empty glass of wine in my hand. Taking a fork from... Author-knows-where. I clink the fork lightly, creating attention for myself.

Emptying my eyes, I smiled, just like how I handle business. "Ladies, gentlemen. Please, let's discuss this matter after the test. Why don't we continue the affinity checking first before we make a big mess, hm?"

All of them freeze up, looking at me with surprised eyes. I raised a brow as gramps cleared his throat, announcing the continuation of the test.

Many nobles passed, most of them have only one basic element. They're totally out shined by Arya, well, except for the 5 little monkeys or a.k.a. the capture targets. Prince Oreo-

(A: Mc it's Eero, not oreo. ಠ_ಠ)

Sorry. Sorry.

Well- Prince Eero has thunder, the tsundere knight has fire and earth, the cool future earl has wind and water, while the cute third prince  has thunder like his brother but the glow of the orb is much more weaker than his older bro Ore- I mean Eero.

I forgot their names.

Well screw them they're the cause of my downfall, why bother?

(A: Don't give me that shit. You do care, you're just embarrassed.)

Shut up, Author.

"Amethyst Lucine Adal."

Welp. It's my turn.

Standing up, I walked towards the stage, ignoring the stares of these gossiping nobles. I walked with my head held high, back straight and cold eyes, until I got in front of gramps.

"Sister! You can do it!" Arya said, cheering me up with her big smile as she wave her small arms in the air. How cute. Letting out a big smile, I wave back, showing my white teeth at her.

I can't handle the warm feeling. I half listen to what gramps is saying, my eyes became softer and my lips hold a small smile as I look at the orb. Heroine-san how cute can you be?

"Are you ready?" My face became empty. Giving a nod, I put my hands on top of the book, a large magic circle formed under me. Then-


The orb didn't glow.


Without any hesitation or disappointment in my face, I got off the stage and proceed to our table like nothing happened. I can feel all the stares they give me even if I'm not looking. I can feel their mockery, pity, or concern.

"M-Miss..." Marielle said, her voice full of concern. If only you knew that I didn't care Mariell~

"S-Sister, It's alright! P-Please don't be sad." I glance at Arya, smiling awkwardly, I don't know what to do. Well, it's better if I don't say a thing or else they might go get suspicious and that's gonna be bothersome. So~

"I'm alright." Giving a close-eyed smile, the smile Kakashi always have. I proceed to watch kids put their hands on a book.

I unconsciously grab for another wine, a few minutes later without realizing it. The once full glass of wine, is now empty. Boring~

Tapping a familiar beat, I hummed a song that I will never ever forget...



(1) Translate: "I wish everyone have it.". A Filipino joke, where you say 'sana all' if someone has something you don't. I know, it's kinda uncomfortable for foreigners but believe me it's funny for us Filipinos.

Hey! I know, I promised that I will update the introduction of characters but I just wanna publish this first before I do that. Or else you have to wait until I have Internet.

YES! Some Filipinos don't have wi-fi and we need to load first before we update or surf the Internet! It sucks! I know!

So please bare with me. It's not like I don't want to update or anything. o(╥﹏╥)o

Chapter 7: Complete!

Reincarnated as a Villainess: This Miss is Really Lazy! [Discontinued]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ